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Pulmonary Second Block ITO


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A disease state characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. Air flow limitation is both progressive and associated with abnormal inflammatory response to gasses and noxious particles?
a. emphysema
b. asthma
c. copd
d. bro
c. copd
Disease in which the symptoms are cough for most days for three months in two consecutive years...

a. emphysema
b. asthma
c. chronic bronchitis

c. chronic bronchitis
define emphysema
emphysema is defined pathologically by loss of alveolar wall tissue
in emphysema what leads to airflow limitation
the loss of alveolar tissue
is chronic bronchitis defined pathologically or by symptoms. explain
it is really defined by symptoms
presence of cough most days for 3 mo for two consecutive years
How does smoking lead to lung disease?
Smoking -> unspecified lung inflammation -> too many proteases -> they digest lung tissue -> infectoin leads to repopulation of airway epithelium and alveoli with cells --> imbalance between digestion and repopulation. EXCESSIVE PROTEASE activity
what enzyme checks proteinase activity?
alpha one antitrypsin
how do you diagnose copd
what spirometry measurements tell u that a pt has copd
three numbers fev1 < 70% fvc fev1/fvc
Name three classes of drugs that cause bronchodilatation by relief of bronchospasm
i think the answer might be beta agonists, anticholinergics and theophylline
three drugs used to treat asthma that are anti inflammatory
glucocorticoid, leukotriene modifier, cromone

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