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British Literature


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Nietzche says?
preach your own values
Post 1950's England is?
a shadow of itself
Angry young men in England call themselves??
Margaret Thatcher wanted?
things the way they used to be in the Victorian age...kinda like the Reagan revolution
Who lived in two centuries so he has the values of 2 eras?
Thomas Hardy
Who gives tragic accounts of people living in 20th century England?
Thomas Hardy
Who was not sure women were doing themselves a favor by entering public life?
Thomas Hardy
Believes that human beings are victims of their own passions?
Thomas Hardy
What does the poem Hap imply?
that nature is a reflection of whats going on in England
What is the poem The Thrush about?
About a bird singing and Hardy is like "So What?"
Trademarks of the modernist era?
anti victorian create your own values Irony important
Christmas in 1924 is characterized by
Black humor stoicism
2 things that describe Housman
very imaginative and very minimalist
A famous poet before WW1 handsome died of an illness
Rupert Brook
suffered from shell shock in the hospital and began to question why the war was being fought
Singrid Sassoon
Who was really famous before he went to the war and ended up in the same hospital as sassoon?
William Auden

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