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massage cont.


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What term is not related to proprioception?
what would not be included in the objective portion of the SOAP chart?
key symptoms given by the client
In which portion of the SOAP chart is the actual process of decision making recorded?
What is the appropriate way to make a correction on a SOAP chart?
Draw a single line through the error and make correction above or next to the error
What does physiology explain?
Functions of the body that support life
Blood and bone are both types of what?
Connective tissue
What ability is the main characteristic of muscle tissue?
Provided movement by shortening
What is true of the synchronization of biological rhythms?
Promotes homeostatsis and supports a heathy body
What can massage and other forms of bodywork and movement do?
Support the body in maintaining and returning to a healthy state
What is the inflammatory response?
A combination of processess that attempt to minimize tissue injury
What are risk factors?
Influences that can put a person at risk for developing disease
Pain is a complex, private, abstract experience that also has what characteristic?
Not easy to define and measure
What is hypersensitivity to pain called?
Referred pain may be a reason to do which of the following?
Refer a client to a physician for a diagnosis
What is true of people who experience excessive or ongoing stress?
May have a decrease in immune function
When are abbreviations best used?
To save time and space when writing
A person standing upright, arms at sides, palms facing forward, is in what postion?
The majority of accupuncture points have been associated with what?
Motor points and trigger points
Is knowing something without going through a rational thought process
Responses and effects of massage on the nervous system?
are reflexive
Neuroendocrine chemicals influenced by massage include?
Dopamine and serotonin
is a synchronization to a rhythm
Is frequently caused by soft tissue binding a nerve
One of the most widely recognized physilogic effects of massage is?
enhancement in blood and lymph circulation
The implementation of a therapeutic change process requires?
energy and resource expenditure
The body/mind link is best understood:
in an autonomic nervous system association
The benefits of massage?
can be subjective and objective
Do massage professionals need to know about pathology?
What is a major risk factor?
With regard to pain sensation?
they are classified as acute, chronic, or intractable

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