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ABeka History 11 - Chapter 5 - Places/Identify


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where the first shot was fired in the War for Independence on April 19, 1775
where the British proceeded after they left Lexington
Fort Ticonderoga
British fort on the shores of Lake Champlain; guarded the main road between Canada and New York; captured by Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys
Bunker Hill
one of two hills overlooking the city of Boston; location of the first major battle of the War for Independence
What were the three acts that regulated colonial industry?
Woolens Act, Hat Act, Iron Act
How were ministers paid in colonial Virginia?
through taxes on the colonists
What were the six parts of Grenville's program?
Proclamation of 1763; rigid enforcement of trade laws, Sugar Act, Currency Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act
What pamphlet was written by James Otis?
"The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved"
What were the three parts of the Stamp Act Congress petition?
It petitioned the king to (1) defend their rights as Englishmen to resist taxation without due representation, (2) restore their royal charters, and (3) restore the land grants given to the original colonies.
Name three famous members of the Committee of Correspondence in Virginia.
Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and Thomas Jefferson
Name the acts that comprised the Coercive Acts.
Boston Port Bill, Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Quartering Act
What was the location and convening date of the First Continental Congress?
Philadelphia; September 5, 1774
Name three British commanders who joined General Gage in Boston.
Sir William Howe, Sir Henry Clinton, John Burgoyne
Name the actual location of the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Breed's Hill

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