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CD 2


undefined, object
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Hinshaw & Zupan
repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior violation of basic rights of others
Martin & Hoffman 90
•need attention
•need stimulation
•low empthy & moral development
Loeber & vanKammen93
500 boys
a)overt p-way
b)covert p-way
c) Early authority conflict
Kazdin 90
Boys 10yrs
Girls 13 yrs
Werry 97
•Theft boys
•sex girls
Loeber & Keenan 94
•Western culture
•Internalizing dis in girls
Rutter 76
McGee, Silva & williams 84
New Zealand 9% boys 4.6% girls
Barclay & Hoffman 90
Urban vs. rural
higher urban
more stressors
(bigger sample?)
Offord & Boyle
no rural/urban diffs
West 82
Academic and intellectual not always a prob
Seguin 82
Cog difficulties
Spivack & Shure 82
Problem solving skills reduced
Fischler & Kendall 88
Solution to probs= aggression
Dodge 85
Videotaped vignettes
Hostile attribution bias
Earls 94
No twin studies
Cadoret 95
•antisocial beh
•bio background
•Adoptive home- background agress
•diathesis stress model
Plomin, Nitz & Rowe 90
Twin studies, no pattern on agression & anti social
Dilalla & gottesman 89
Twin studies- pattern on agression
Jouriles, Bourg & Farris 91
Majour cause
Hetherington 93
Parental deviance
lack of dicipline
marital conflict
Mann & Mackenzie 96
Overt marital conflict
Rutter & Quinton 84
Kid w antisocial = parent w antisocial
Robins 66
Prior antisocial behavior not in females
Loeber 90
Parents negatively coercive
Dodge 95
Physical abnorm = CD high

Info correlational
Pollock 92
Danish sons of alcholic fathers
sig history physical abuse
Widom 97
Weapons'r bad!
Jouriles 98
seen guns used
heard guns used
weapons = more beh probs
marital violence
Patterson 82
Parents cant discipline kids
reward both +ive and -ive
reinforced - laughing
Reiss 95
708 families
MZ and DZ
60% variance
Bad parenting
Rutter & Quinton 86
Maughan & Rutter 98
Most don't turn antisocial
Lahey 95
Stable aggression over time
Robins 78
not stable over time
Eron & Huesman 90
stable over 30 yrs
Maughn & Rutter 98
No stable over time
Dishion & Patterson 95
Gender, hyper, agress, risks for onset
Stattin & Magnusson 98
Peer delinquency
Moffitt 93
Age onset predictor
Tremblay 90
2yr prog w ODD kids
Low socieconomic family
3yr followup
crucial changes
low fighting and bad bah
low grade retention
Offord 89
variety of outcomes due to methods : psychological risk
Nagin & Tremblay 2001
Teenage pregnancy of mother important
low educational background
Farrington & wilkstrom 94
50% violent at 24yrs if convicted at 14yrs
Vitaro & Tremblay 2001
rejected by prosocial
Baltin & Hill 96
Gangs = High crime
Coie & Dodge 90
Low popularity
high activities
High externalizing
Rejection = violence
Olson 92
Neuroticim/ Extroversion

But! Careful with kids
Goldstein 85
: withdrawl
by drugs
gangland shootings
Demilo 89
Comorbidity: substance abuse & CD (91%)
- Self medicated ADHD
-Situational factors raves
Crick 85
Female Sex
Indirect and rational
Farrington 79
Self-report and crim record
Baker & Menick 84
Danish national register
fathers to criminal convicts
increased violent acts
Moffit 87
Genetic and social learning
Loeber & Hay 96
Stable vs continuous
develop aggress
Shaw & Vondra 95
12m attention seeking
18m non-complience
36m externalizing

but: normal for baby
Stattin & Magnusson 89
2/3 boys 14yrs to 26yrs violence
teacher ratings
Epstien 79
aggression influenced by situational factors
Tolan & Gorman-smith 97
Innercity delinquency 2.5x national average
Garbarino + Sherman
-social isolation
-physical abuse
-sparse networks
Raine+ Brennan 96
Bio and psycho vunerable working together
Klinteberg & Mangnusson93
Swedish study
high violent arrest at 13yrs and 26 yrs
Cloniger 93
fearless personality
low stimulation
Loney, Kramer, Milich 83
Comorbidity ADHD & CD = high risk
Farrington 89
emotional warmth
low envolvement w father at 8yrs
Ageton 83
negative family labelling at 13 yrs
Patterson 89
Positive parenting outweighed other risk factors
Maguin & Loeber 96
Low interest in education
Hinshaw 92
Kendel & Mendick 91
prenatal delivery
(in-breath!) and "rebirthing"
Raine, Brennan & Mendick 94
High problems when parental rejection comorbidity

But: what about time of life rejected?
Raine Reynolds Venables 98
Large height
Fearless and novelty seeking at 3 yrs
Lynam moffitt & loeber 93
IQ low
Performance IQ less than VIQ
Lang difficulties
Keitan 2000
sim neurobiology as brain damaged
McCord & McCord
high stress
big family
marital dischordance
violence (Elliot 94)
Meguin 95
Not always violence
Seattle social development study correlation w violence
Wadsworth 78
Family breakdown
Parental split at less than 10yrs correlated with violence at 21 yrs
Abusive parents
but if sex abuse- no violence
Zingraff 93
neglected means high violence
Farrington 92
Cambridge study
411 boys
low income at 8
low non-verbal IQ at 8-10
Poor parenting at 8
more 4 bio siblings
large family at 10yrs
4-5 = 31% more likely
Garmenzy 85
parental treatment
Werner & Smith 92
+ive social orientation
commitment to prosocial norms
extra curricular rewards
economic equality
social organisation
Achenbach & Edelbach 83
Twin study
emotionality predicts aggression
biases on env fx expression
Patterson 96
novelty seeking and dopamine receptor gene
Belfrage 92
Homozygosity = high risk of dangerous behavior in schizo
Manuck, flory 99
Monoamine oxidaze - violence

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