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Unit 9 Vocab Deffintions


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Impunity 2 (n)
Freedom from punishment
Awry 2 (adj.)
in a turned or twisted position or direction;
Chafe 1 (v)
to warm by rubbing.
Disgruntled 2 (adj)
in bad humor,discordented,annoyed
Recluse 1 (n)
a person who leads a life shut up or withdrawn from the world.
Pertinent 1 (adj)
Related to the matter at hand, to the point.
Predominant 2 (adj)
The greatest in strength or power, most common
Capitulate 2 (v)
to end resitence, give up, surrender.
Penal 1 (adj)
having to do with punishment.
Renown 2 (n)
Frame, glory.
Encroach 2 (v)
to advanced beyond the usual or proper limits.
Prodigy 1 (n)
something wonderful or marvelous;
Bludgeon 1 (n.)
a short club used as a weapon;
Defile 2 (2)
to make unclean or dirty, destroy the purity of;
Dire 1 (adj)
dreadful, causing fear or suffering;
Fend 1 (v)
to ward off, resist;
Apt 1 (adj.)
Mien 1 (n)
air, manner;
Disarming 2 (adj)
charming, tending to getrid of unfriendliness or suspicion
Endow 2 (v)
to furnish,equip,provide with funds or some other desirable thing or qulity.

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