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English Terms


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Adverb Clause
A subordinate clause that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb. It answers one of four questions: how, when, where, and why.
A group of words that have a subject and verb.
A verb form used as a noun.
Simple Sentence
A sentence structure that contains one independent clause.
Gerund Phrase
A gerund with its modifiers and complements that all work to gether as a noun.
Compound Sentence
Consists of two subordinate clauses.
A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They generally answer one of four questions: how, when, where, or to what extent.
Takes the place of a noun in a sentence.
A word that modifies a noun or pronoun.
Predicate Nominative
A noun or pronoun which follows the verb and describes or renames the subject.
Compund-Complex Sentence
Consists of two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.
A verb form that usally begins with (to). It is used as a noun, adjective, or an verb.
Subordinate Clause
Cannot stand alone as a complete sentence because it does not express a complete thought.
words that join words, phrases, or sentence parts.
Infinitive Phrase
An infinitive with its modifiers and complements that all work together as a noun, adjective, or an adverb.
Independent Clause
Can stand alone as a sentence because it expresses a complete thought.
A part of a sentence or clause about which something is being said.
Direct Object
A word or phrase in a sentence referring to the person or thing receiving the action of a transitive verb.
It's what you do.
Adverb Phrase
The part of speech that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.
Indirect Object
An object indirectly affected by the action of a verb.
Person, place, or things
Links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence.
Complex Sentence
Consists of one independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses.
Participle Phrase
A participle with its modifiers and complements that all work together as an adjective.
Prepositional Phrase
Consists of the preposition, its object and any associated adjectives or adverbs.
Noun Clause
A subordinate clause that is used like a noun.
A word or phrase showing emotion or surprise which has no grammatical relationship to any other words or part of a sentence.
Adjective Clause
A subordinate clause that modifies a noun or pronoun.

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