undefined, object
copy deck
- primary context
- The matrix and the provenience of a site have not been disturbed since deposition (en situ)
- primary context use-related
- Resulting from the abandonment of materials during acquisition, manufacture, or use activities
- primary context transposed
- Resulting from depositional activities, such as midden formation (trash piles)
- secondary context
- The matrix, provenience, and association have been altered, in whole or in part, by transformational processes
- secondary context use-related
- Resulting from human disturbance by cultural transforms (e.g., farming)
- secondary context natural
- Resulting from natural disturbance by natural transforms
- Lubbock expanded on Darwin’s natural selection to say that
- “primitives†were living approximations of what Europeans used to be
- Morgan was a unilineal theorist who said
- those who progressed most were closest to God, and had progressed because they were intellectually capable of doing so
- Agriculture arose to increase productivity so some could gain power/prestige
- food-fight theory
- 2 theories of origin of archaic state
- irrigation hypothesis, warfare/circumscription hypothesis
- 3 conditions that are necessary and sufficient for state to form
- high population density, system of integration needed, possibility of controlled economy
- Required permits before excavating or collecting on federal land
- 1906 Antiquities Act
- Protect every cultural resource
- 1906 Antiquities Act
- Intrusive to privacy
- 1906 Antiquities Act
- First to deal with looting, vandalism, and development
- 1966 National Historic Preservation Act
- Created National Register of Historic Places
- 1966 National Historic Preservation Act
- Compliance law
- Section 106 of 1966 National Historic Preservation Act
- Survey of area of potential effect
- Section 106 of 1966 National Historic Preservation Act
- Required cultural resource impact studies for federal projects
- Section 106 of 1966 National Historic Preservation Act
- SHPO officer oversees compliance
- Section 106 of 1966 National Historic Preservation Act
- Inventory heritage properties on federal land
- Section 110 of 1966 National Historic Preservation Act
- Regulated import/export of cultural objects
- 1970 UNESCO Convention
- Dealt with looting and trafficking by increasing punishments (now a felony)
- 1979 Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA)
- unassociated funerary objects
- objects associated with the burial process (e.g., tombs)
- Repatriation of human remains, funerary objects (both associated and unassociated), objects of cultural patrimony (heirlooms), sacred objects
- 1990 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)