S.S. chapter 1 5th
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- The _____ was a special underground room used by the Anasazi for their religious services,
- kifa
- ___ takes place whenpeople of differnet cultures begin to exchange ideas and goods
- Cultural diffusion
- The ____ was a toolused to throw a spear
- atlantl
- People who wander from place to place with no home are called ____
- nomads
- The people who built pueblos were the
- Anasazi
- People were able to keep a regular surplus of ____when agriculture was devolped.
- food
- ____ is the name of the land bridge which once connected Asia and North America
- Beringia
- ______ is a kind of sandy clay that can be dried into bricks.
- Adobe
- ____ began to develop when people began plant and grow their own food.
- Agriculture
- scientists who study the cultures of people who lived long long ago are
- archeologists
- a small groupof people who work together such as hunt are called a
- band
- The ____ culture is know as the "mother cizilation" of americas because they influenced cultures of later groups.
- Olmecs
- Indian peoples tell about their beliefs of the world and their place through
- orgin stories
- During the last _____, the oceans became shallower because much of the water was locked up in the glaciers
- Ice Age
- The approximate beggining of the Olmec culture along the gulf of Mexicoin central america _____ BC
- 1500