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World History Semester Review


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leader of babylon, created a new Mesopotamian Kingdom by gaining control of Sumer and Akkad. Mad the Code of Hammurabi ==> System of strict justice
feudal contract
under feudalism, the unwritten rules that determined the relationship between a lord and his vassal
"tribunes of the plebs," given the power to protect the plebians
neolithic revolution
the shift from hunting and gathering to the keeping of animals and the growing of food on a regular basis that occured around 8000 B.C.
(holly office) job of this court was to find and try heretics, developed a regular procedure to deal with them, punishment included flogging
roman emperor that had the last great persecution of christians in 3rd century
law of nations
natural law or universal law based on reason
william of normandy
landed on coast of England and defeated king harold at the battle of hastings. took a census known as domesday book, became king of england
10 commandments
no other gods, not onto any graven image, no using lord's name in vain, holy sabbath day, honor father and mother, do not kill, don not adultery, no stealing, do not bear false witness against neighbors, do not covet. Written by moses
ten lost tribes
the 10 tribes in the kingdom of Isreal were overrun by Assyrians. They were sent to other parts of the Assyrian Empire
bill of rights
1st 10 amendments, guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, assembly, bear arms, trial by jury, due process of law, and protection of property rights
carolingian renaissance
charlemagne's efforts let to the revial of learning and culture, rebirth
the early Greek city-state, consisting of a city or town and its surrounding territory
phoenician alphabet
spoke a semitic language and simplified writing by using 22 different signs to represent sounds of speech. This was the base of english.
having many gods
apostle paul
highly educated jewish roman citizen, founded christian communities throughout asia minor and aegean sea coast
emperor of rome, codified roman law through the body of civil law ==> basis of imperial law in the Easter roman empire
punic wars
between carthage and rome, 3 of them, carthage was completely destroyed by the end
alexander the great
only 20 when he became King of Macedonia, is known for the transfer of Greek ideas to other areas. Conquered land all the way to India. Hellenistic Era
dominant figure in athenian politics, saw the height of athenian pwer. made up a direct democracy, democratic system
first christian empire edict of milan ==> tolerance of Christianity. Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium Constantinople
persian emperors
cyrus, cambyses, darius, atraxerxes II, xerxes II
catholic icons
include relics, saints, the cross, and mary
didnt agree with Umayyad rule but accepted it
fertile crecent
arc of land from the Mediterranean to the perisan gulf. this land had rich soil and abundant crops, able to sustain early civilization
visions and teaching written in zend avesta. Ahuramazda fighting ahriman, humans choose, soon there will be no evil
the study of human life and culture based on artifacts and human fossils
characteristis includes cities, governement, religion, social structure, writing, and art
pillars of faith
belief, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage
roman senate
300 patricians, first it was only to advise governemtn officials, then it had the force of law
epic poem
Illiad and Odyssey written by Homer
created empire in asia minor, first indo-european peoples to make use of iron, killed by "sea peoples"
pax romana
a time of peace and properity that lasted 100 yars. Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero.
hellespont, a narrow strait between Thrace and Asia Minor
hellenistic astronomer, determined earth was round and calculated earths circumference
tracing lineage through mother rather than father
tracing lineage through the father
having one god
"the rule of the few," a form of government in which a small group of people exercises controls
accept only descendents of Ali as true rulers of Islam
semiti speaking people who exploited the use of iron weapons in 700 BC
the period before writing was developed
paleolithic age
from the greek word for "Old Stone," the early period of human history, from approximately 2,500,000 to 10,000 BC, during which humans used simple stone tools; sometimes called the Old Stone Age
the kabbah, a house of worship whose cornerstone was the black stone
month of fasting from dawn to dusk
joan of arc
had vision that commanded her to free France, she lead the french to victory at orleans then hung because of "witchcraft"
city state
a city with political and economic control ober the surrounding country side, center of Greek life
roman government
cheif executive officers were consuls (army) and preators (civil law), centuriate assembly, council of plebs, tribunes of plebs.

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