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Chapter 10_identify


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Cyril and Methodius
Christian Missionaries who created an alphabet fir Slavs in central and eastern Europe known as Cyrillic
flammable liquid used as a weapon by the Byzantine navy
Iconoclastic Controversy
debate between opponents and defenders of icons in the Byzantine Church; one of the issues that led to the split of the Christian church in 1054
Hagia Sophia
great, decorative Byzantine church in Constantinople
ruler of the Byzantine Empire whose accomplishments made this one of the greatest periods in Byzantine history
Justinian Code
collection of laws that formed the basis for Byzantine law under Emperor Justinian
Vladimir I
converted to Christianity and ordered all Kievans to become Christians
Pravda Russkia
Russia's first law code, written by Yaroslav I
people led by Rurik who came to rule Kiev and the Slavic tribes along the Dnieper River
Justinian's wife and adviser
general of the Byzantine army who led the the troops that crushed the Nika Revolt
Ivan III
a.k.a. Ivan the Great; ruled as Great Prince from 1462-1505
Ottoman Turks
Asian people who conquered Constantinople in the 1300s and established a large empire
Ivan the Terrible
Ivan IV; first czar of Russia who formed a a personal group of civil servants called the oprichnki; his actions were pizzling and cruel
Turkish people who after 1055 controlled the area south of Kiev in Russia
the leader of the Rus who took control of Novogorod
Yaroslav the Wise
Yaroslav I; built many churches and introduced Russia's first law code
Vladimir Monomakh
ruler of Kiev from 1113-1125 who brought a breif revival to the city

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