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Poetry Unit


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two-line stanza; two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme and usually express a complete thought
title down poetry
a form of poetry in which the letters that spell the subject of the poem are used to being each line
internal rhyme
occurs when the rhyming words fall within one line of poetry
the repetition of sounds
literal language
opposite of figurative language
definition poetry
poetry which creatively defines a word or idea
alphabet poetry
a form of poetry which states a creative or humorous idea using part of the alphabet; is often written as a list
six-line stanza
a reference to a statement, person, place, event, or thing that is known from literature, history, religion, myth, politics, sports, science, or pop culture
the use of a word whose sound makes you think of its meaning
the repeating of a word or phrase to add rhythm or to emphasize an idea
central message or insight into life revealed through the literary work
free verse
poetry which is not written with meter or a rhyme scheme
riddle poetry
poetry which makes the reader guess the subjecet
four-line stanza
anything that stands for or represents something else
clerihew poetry
a form of humorous or light verse created by Edmund Clerihew; poem consists of two rhyming couplets
terse verse
a form of humorous verse made up of two words that rhyme and have the same number of syllables
a poem which states a poet's sadness about te death of an important person
five-line stanza
a narrative poem; usually written in four-line stanza
ryhme scheme
a regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem; indicated by using different letters of the alphabet for each new rhyme
italian for "stopping place"; a formal division of lines in a poem, considered as a unit
a work that makes fun of another work by imitating some aspect of the writer's style
a short poem that expresses the observations and feelings of a single speak
a figure of speech in which like or as is used to make a comparison between two basically unlike ideas
eight-line stanza
a poem's rhythmical pattern
a figure of speech in which one things is spoken of as though it were something else. It is a direct comparison
a humorous verse of five lines; lines one, two, five rhyme. Lines three and four rhyme
the repetition of vowel wouns
a type of figurative language in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics
the repetition of consonant sounds
exact rhyme
a perfect rhyme like cat/mat or verging/merging
the repeating of beginning consonant sounds as in "sea and sailed"
mixed metaphor
the inconsistent mixture of two or more metaphors; usually unintentional and often conjure ludicrous images
approximate rhyme
exists when the repetition sound is similar but not exact, as in fellow/follow or mystery/mastery
a figure of speech which uses extremem exaggeration
blank verse
is an unrhymed poetry with meter
the attitude of the writer or the speaker toward the subject of the poem or toward the audience
figurative language
is writing or speech not meant to be interpreted literally
name poetry
a form of poetry in which the letters of a name are used to begin each line in the poem
a long narrative or narrative poem about the deeds of gods or heroes.
a Japanese poetry which presents a picture of naturel three lines in length; five lin = five syllables; second = seven, third = five
the pattern of beats, or stresses, in spoken or written language
contrast couplet
a couplet in which the first line includes two words that are opposites; the second line makes a comment about the first
seven-line stanza
a repeated word, phrase, line, or group of lines
phrase poetry
a form of poetry which states an idea with a list of phrases
is a fourteen-line poem which states a poet's personal feelings
three-line stanza
concrete poetry
a form of poetry in which the shape or design helps express the meaning or feeling of the porm
extended metaphor
a metaphor that is extended, or developed, over several lines of writing or even throughout an entire poem
end rhyme
occurs when the rhyming words come at the ends of two or more lines of poetry

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