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When the capital city moved from Rome, where did it move?
What were the two churches?
Western Church - Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Church - Eastern Orthodox Church
What was the Nouvellae portion of the Justinian Code?
a presentation of legislation passed after 534
Who was Saint John Chrysostom?
the bishop of Constantinople
Why was Saint John Chrysostom important?
he was a patriarch and the leading bishop of Rome
When did the city (Byzantine) finally fall?
What was the Nika Rebellion?
after a horse racing victory, 2 gangs started the rebellion believing that city officials were too rough when putting down riots at the games
What was another name for the New Laws?
Nouvellae Laws
What was the main street in Constantinople?
the Mese or Middle Way
What did most Byzantines speak?
What are the four works of the Justinian Code?
the Code, the Digest, the Institutes, and the Novellae
Cryillic alphabet
alphabet for the writing of Slavic languages, devised in the 9th century A.D. by Saints Cyril and Methodius
What was the result of this first crisis?
10,000 people died a day during its worst year
What did Byzantine families value?
education - specifically classical learning
How many people died during the Nika Rebellion?
30,000 rebels were slaughtered
What was the first crisis after Justinian's death?
the bubonic plague arrives from India on ships infested with rats
a high-ranking Byzantine nobleman who succeeded his uncle to the throne of the Eastern Empire - under his reign his armies won nearly all of Italy and parts of Spain
What caused Christianity to break into two parts?
political conflicts and differences in beliefs
Who said icons were idols?
Emperor Leo III
What was the Code portion of the Justinian Code?
nearly 5,000 Roman laws that were still considered useful for the Byzatine Empire
Justinian Code
a uniform code set up by a panel of legal experts to regulate the increasing compled Byzantine society - decides legal questions such as marriage, slavery, property
What was the hippodrome?
a racecourse for horse racing
What was the Digest portion of the Justinian Code?
quotations and summaries of the opinions of Rome's greatest legal thinkers about the laws - a total of 50 volumes
What did the Byzantines do to try and stop foreign attacks?
used bribes, political marriages, and military power
During the Byzantine Empire, who controlled the state and church?
the emperors
What major dispute took place within the Eastern church?
dispute over religious doctrine - the pope and the bishop excommunicated one another
when one is declared as an outcast of the church; the taking away of a person's right of membership in a Christian church
What was the second crisis?
there were foreign attacks
principal bishop in the eastern branch of Christianity
What is classical learning?
basic courses of Greek, Latin grammar, philosophy, classic of Greek and Roman from Euclid, history from Herodotus, and medicine from Galen
Who did Byzantine fall to?
the Ottoman Turks
religious images used by the Eastern Christians to aid their devotions - viewed as idol worship by the emperor
What was the Institutes portion of the Justinian Code?
a textbook that told law students how to use the laws
Why did Justinian stay during the rebellion?
he wanted to run but his wife, Theodora, tells him to stay
What was Byzantine later named and after who?
Constantinople after Constantine
What happens to Justinian during the rebellion?
he dies leading to riots and a crisis - the empire falls
Hagia Sophia
the crowning glory of Justinian's reign was the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople and it means "Holy Wisdom" in Greek - when the church was rebuilt - was hailed by visitors as the most splendid church in the Christian worls
How was Rome divided?
into western and eastern territories
What happened in the east?
a heritage was built on the works of the church fathers - Example - Saint Basil
What is one major result of the fall of the Byzantine Empire?
Christianity dvelops differently in the Western and Eastern Roman empires

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