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Rome and the Rise of Christianity


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distinguished poet of the Augustain Age. wrote the aeneid in honor of rome and it portrays the ideal roman.
"the revered one" highly popula. controlled the army. was imperator. stabilized the frontiers. couldnt conquere Germany.
First Punic War.
romans felt threatened by the cathaginians. romans fought cathaginians for control of the Mediterranean. Victory for romans. Carthage leaves Sicily
First Triumvirate
included Crassus, Pompey, and Caesar. Is a government by three people with equal power. Crassus was killed. Caesar became dictator
First Punic War Date
264-241 BC
Pax Romana
Peace of Rome. lasted for almost 100 years. created by good emperors.
last name Barca and greatest carthaninian general
jewish people who called for the violent overthrown of Roman rule.
in charge of the cival law. added to judge cases
jewish priest who favorited cooperation with rome
the dominant male of the household
commander and chief
moved south and west across the Danube River into Roman territory and settled down as roman allies. eventually sacked rome in 410 BC
poured in from southern spain and africa. they crossed into italy from africa and also sacked rome.
a major apostle who was highly educated and jewish. paul took the message of jesus to the non jews and jewish
were invaders of rome, came from asia moved to eastern europe and put pressure on the Visigoths
tweleve tables
adopted in 450 BC and was a product of a simple farming society and proved inadiquate for later roman needs.
Second Punic War Dates.
218- 201 BC
Law Of Nations
enabled people to establish standards of justice that applied to all people including non citizens.
was an emperor and under him the romans adopted christianity as their religion.
became the first christian emperor. in 313 he issued the Edict of Milan which proclaimed official tolerance of christianity.
centuriate assembly
elected the chief officials like the consuls, praetors and passed laws.
Gracchus Brothers
believed that the basic problems of romes decline was because of the decline in farmers. asked the plebs to give land to farmers. were murdered instead
council of plebs
471 BC and was for plebians only. they were aloud to pass laws for romans.
five good emperors
created a period of peace. they treated the ruling classes with respect and supported domestic policies that were helpful to the empire. They created good new programs to help people
given the power to protect the plebeians.
advised government officials and had the force of law. a select group of about 300 patricians who serve for life.
wrote the most famous latin prose book of the golden age... The History of Rome. he traced the history of rome.
two consuls chosen every year and they ran the government and led the roman army
General Sulla
Took over army but plebs wanted Marius. Civil War broke out and Sulla won. seized rome in 82 BC. restored power to the senate. Hoped to help restoration of rome.
Roman emperor. divided rome into four parts with four different rulers. high military power. (look at page 177)
Second Punic War
lead by hannibal. leads carthaginians down the alps into italy. Elephants. Hannibal is force to go back to carthage to fend their state.
overthrown by Romans. Established sewer system. arc's and bridges. etruscan alphabet. gladiator games.
General Marius
Roman General. Created his own army of volunteers that he promised land to after they finished their time in his army.
Edict of Milan
proclaimed offical tolerance of christianity
apartment block. could be up to 6 stories high. poorly built and often collapsed.
tribal assembly
great landowners, became known as romes ruling class.
a form of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote
he led the most famous slave revolt. killed in 71 BC after he defeated many roman armies.
less weathy, crafts people, merchants and small farmers.
Simon Peter
jewish fisherman who became a follower of jesus during jesus's life time.
Battle of Zama
in second punic war. hannibal was defeated and lost some territory to rome. forced to give romans money and all territory except for carthage.
Second Triumvirate
included Octavian, Antony, and Ledipus. Octavian and Antony split territory. Antony fell for Cleopatra and Octavian stood supreme over the Roman World.
Antony allied himself with her and antony fell in love with her. they both commited suicide.

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