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What important decision was reached in Brown vs. Board of education of Topeka ?
The legal concept of "separate but equal" from Plessy vs. Ferguson was overturned
What earlier supreme court decision and principle was overturned by Brown ?
concept of "separate but equal" from Plessy vs. Ferguson
What was the supreme courts decision in Hernandez vs. Texas ?
That Texas's exclusion of Mexican-American citizens from jury duty was a violation of the 14th amendment
What is the NAACP ?
National Association for the advancement of colored people (was organized to fight racial injustice)
What was the Southern Christian Leadership conference ?
A religious based group that fought for equality and justice using non-violence as organizing principle
The Great Society ?
Designed to improve the standard of living of all Americans
What are the main beliefs of the counterculture movement ?
rejected traditional rcustoms and values (gender, economic, race, marriage, antiwar etc..)
What happened to LBJ in the 1968 presidential election ?
He didn't seek reelection
Stagflation ?
a combination of inflation, high unemployment and slow growth
What is the Silent Majority ?
The non-protesting Americans in the middle, with traditional values and patriotism

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