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Napoleon Bonaparte
Had plan for empires in Europe and the Americas.
any of a group of New England writers who stressed the relationship between human beings and nature, spiritual things over material thins, and the importance of the individual con-science
the application of scientific discoveris to practial use
Brigham Young
took over as head of the Mormons
forcing people into servece, as in the navy
poor, crowded and run-down urban neighborhoods
From whom did we purchise the Lousiana territory from
Which job made a good profit during the Gold Rush
Fourity niners and gold miners
a continuous rise in the price of goods & services
Judicial Review
the right of the Supreme Curt to determine if a law violates the Constiution
President Jaskson was known as the
Common Man
Sojourner Truth
she had never been taught to read and write but she spoke with the toung of a rich man
an extreme shortage of food
Southern owner of a small farm who did not have slaves
to leave or withdraw
Implied powers
powers not specifically defined in the Constitution
whitch treaty set the official boundary between Canada and Ameica
teh Convention of 1818
a person who was on neither side of the American Revolution
how did mountain men make their living
they made their living by Beaver traping and selling the furrs and being guides through the Noutern Plains
a meeting
Manifest Destiny
the idea popular in teh US during teh 1800's that the country must expand its boundries to teh Pacific.
Stephen F. Austin
recruted 300 American fmilies to settle teh fertile land along the Brazos Riverand the Colorado River Of Texas
What was the Trail of Tears
a movement of Native Americans from all over the country to all live in the small state of Oklahoma
a person who was against the british in the Anerican Revolution
Lewis and Clark
Set out on a mission sponsored by President Jefferson to find out what lies on the other side of the country
Battle of Plattsburgh
Secured the the nouthern northern side of teh United States
Frederick Douglass
the most widely known African American abolitionist. Taught himself to read and write then ran from slavery.
Toussaint- Louverture
teh grandson of an African chiefaand a fiercely determined ex-slave.
the right to vote
Zebulon Pike
led 2 expeditions between 1805 and 1807, traveling through the upper Mississippi River Valley and into the region that is now Colorado
why is the Alamo important
it gave Houstion time to prepare his forces for the battle that won the war
Treasury Department
would deal with teh financial problems
Who suggested the Great Compromise?
Roger Sherman
Embargo Act
cut off all foregin trade for 2 years
check & balances
the system in which each branch of government has a check on the other two branches so that no one branch becomes too powerful
attempt to ruin an opponent's reputation with insults
where did the Trail f tears Begin and end
in began in Georiga and ended in Oklahoma
a period of low economic activity and widespread unemployment
built a confederacy among Native American nations in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan
Bill of Rights
Amendments to the US Constitution that protect basic liberties and rights of each citizen; the first 10 were ratified in 1791.
Dorothea Dix
she discovered that the mentially ill people were kept in prision cells and were treated bad. she help the ill and gave them a better place to be.
Treaty of Ghent
Ended the War of 1812
National debt
the amount the nation's government owed
most gils in the 180's were taught
how to be a mother and how to use all the utencials in houses
bicameral legistature
consisting of two houses, or chambers, especially in a legislature
Elizabeth Blackwell
she was the first female to get a medical degree and the first to graduate at a high caliber school not to menchine she was at the head of her class.
Joseph Smith
fouded the Mormon church in 1830 in New York State
a younfg indian who helped Lewis and Clark complete their missoin
Willam Lioyd Garrison
stimulated the gowth of the antislavery movement. Worked the country's leading antislavery newspaper in Baltamore
Wemons Sufferage
the ability for wemen to vote
John Marshall
ruled Maryland
John Jay
teamed up with Madison, Hamilton to write a series of essays explaining and defending the Constitution
the Prophet
urged Native Americans every where to return to the customs of their acestors.
Santa Anna
Became President of Mexico in 1833
Alexander Hamilton
A lawyer in New York who in September of 1786 proposed calling a convention in Philadelphia to discuss issues about trade
What method of transportation United the Midwest and East, but was missing in the South
Slave Code
the laws passed in the Southern states that controlled and restricted enslaved people.
federal system
a government that divides powers between the national, or federal, government and the states
who led the trail of tears
the trail of tears was led by the federal government
War Department
would provide for the nation's defense
Araon Burr
Thomas Jefferson's running mate of New York
Black Hawk
Sauk Chief, led a force of Sauk and Fox people back to Illinois, their homeland.
the forbidding by law of making of selling Alcoholic beverages
Trade Union
organization of workers with the same trade or skills
John Tyler
a planter from Virgina was harrisons runnng mate
Henry Clay
of the Whig party came close to beating Polk in the Elections of 1844
how did John Tyler become president
the president in office died and he was the vice president
Harriet Tubman
escaped from slavery to become the most famous conductor of the underground railroad
a government in which citizens rule through elected representatives
Joint Occupaton
the possession and settling of an area shared by two or more countries
person who supervises a large operation or its workers
a stopping of work by owners to force an employer tomeetdemands.
State Department
would handle relations with other contries
Where did the Industrial Revolution Begin
Great Britian
Sam Houston
commander in chief of the Texas forces
a meeting held by a political party to choose their party's candidate for president or decide policy
refers to activities aimed at weakening established govrnment
policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation's economy
Davey Crockett
went to Texas from Tennesee with a band of sharpshooters to fight in the Alamo.
Seminal Chief
to cancel or make ineffective
John Sutter
owned a vast tract of land about 40 miles from sacramento
to reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law
immigrants living in teh country who were not citizens
favoring one side of an issue
John Calhoun
John Adam's vice president, switched parties to run with Jackson
a government where the people are ruled by a King or Queen, usually an inherited position
Eli Whitney
invented the cotton gin
Maria Mitchell
Discovered a comet after she taught herself astrononmy
spoils system
practiceof handing out government jobs to supporters; replacing government employees with the winning candidate's supporters
What was the first state to approve to Constitution?
the change from an agrarion society to one based on industry
why did so many Americans settle in Oregon
the state was big eneough that all the cities were not crowded
where did the Industrial Revolution first begin in America
New England

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