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Science Vocab Mrs. Martin Final


undefined, object
copy deck
The space between the cell membrane and the nucleus of a cell.
An organism's genetic makeup, or allele combination. (example, TT, Tt, tt)
Sample Size
The number of items in a sample; in general, a larger sample size yields better statistical information than a smaller sample size; large sample size can decrease the effect of random variation and make trends and predictions more accurate.
A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells containing various enzymes that function in digestion.
nuclear membrane
The membrane enclosing the nucleus of a cell. Also called nuclear envelope.
The scientific study of variation and heredity.
a scientist who traces the spread of disease through population
The joining of sperm cell and an egg cell.
The likelihood that a particular event will occur.
The passing of traits from parents to offspring.
Small round organelles found in the cytoplasm of living cells that serve as the site of protein synthesis.
Subject to change; a quantity able to assume different numerical values; in an experiment, it is the value that is changed or controlled in order to isolate and identify what is causing the observed effect.
selectively permeable
Describes a structure that allows certain substances to pass through, but not others
a lack or shortage of something
An organism's physical appearance, or visible trait. (example, orange tailed)
creatures tht are to small to be seen with the naked eye
A large, membrane-bound, usually spherical structure within a living cell that contains the cell's genetic material, or DNA.
the available facts, data, and/or observations which support a theory or conclusion
Unicellular organisms that contain nuclei which includes protozoans like amoeba and paramecium. Eukaryote.
field of view
the area visible through a microscope
fine focus knob
moves the stage slightly to focus the object
the ability to make things larger than they appear
A set of values. ("The normal pulse range of adult is 60-80 beats per minute")
the flat platform where you place your slides
National Institute of Health-an organization that provides money for scientific research
The processes by which plant cells internally produce food in the form of glucose by combining sunlight with carbon dioxide and water.
a disease that can pass from on e person to another
An organism that is genetically identical to the organism from which it is produced.
coarse adjustment knob
moves stage to focus the object
a standard of comparason for checking or varifying the result of an expirement
total magnification
objective lense x eyepiece
The process by which particles move from an area of higher to lower concentration.
a carrier that is an animal
clinical trial
test doen by volunteers to determine is a product such as medicine should be made available to the public
cell theory
the widly accepted explanation of the relations between cells. 3 parts
Food and Drug Administration. The agency that is responsible for determining if a food or drug is safe and effective enough to be sold to the public.
asexual reproduction
The reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are identical to the parents.
Qualitative Data
Information that is difficult to measure, count, or express in numerical terms; used in research involving detailed, verbal descriptions of characteristics, cases, and settings; typically uses observation, interviewing, and document review to collect data.
a inactive substance or preperation used as a control in an expirement or test to determine the effectivness of a medical drug
By chance, like the flip of a coin
the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation
a breakdown in the structure or function of a living organism
An explanation for an observation or scientific problem that can be tested by further investigation.
the isolation of a person or animal who has a disease
the basic unit of structure and function in living things
the viewing and recording of data
informed consent
a form signed by volunteers in a clinical trail that states they have been told(informed) about the risks and that they agree(consent) to participate in te trail
scientific method
1. state problem/question 2. propose explanation ( hypothesis) 3.collect evidnece/conduct expirement4.analyze data 5. draw conclusion(repeate expiremnt if necessary
A section that is cut along the width (or middle) of a structure.
A structure within a cell, such as a mitochondria, vacuole, or chloroplast, that performs a specific function and contributes to the life of the cell as a whole.
ogical conclusion based on factual knowledge or evidence
A specific variation of a characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring through its genes.
a type of organism that is made up of many cells/ a type of organsim that is made up of one cell
sexual reproduction
The reproductive process that involves two parents who combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents.
Product of reproduction, a new organism produced by one or more parents
the exchange of one thing in return for another, giving up one benifit or advantage for another regard that is more disirable, an exchange that occurs as a compromise
Unicellular, spherical or spiral or rod-shaped organisms lacking nuclei. Prokaryote.
objective lense
low power 4x medium power 10x high power 40x
optical lense/ eyepiece
the lese at the top of the microscope that you look through usally 10x or 15x power
the bottom of the microscope used for support
Life Science
the study of living things and how they interact with things around them
cellular respiration
The processes by which living cells obtain a usable form of energy by combining oxygen with glucose.
Organelles found in the cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a single membrane and containing water, food, or metabolic waste.
golgi body
Composed of a stack of about half a dozen vacuoles, whose purpose in the cell are to prepare and store chemical products produced in the cell, and then to secrete these outside the
Touch Receptor
The nerve endings that detect pressure on your skin
An elongated organelle in the cytoplasm of nearly all cells which converts food into usable energy for the cell.
a disk underneath the stage that controls light
a disease caused by lack of vitemens, gives a bad rash, and causes insanity
A physical attribute of an organism, such as hair color, height, color pattern, etc.
A segment of DNA on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait.
cell membrane
The semi permeable membrane that encloses the cytoplasm of a cell.
to examine, closely study, and evaluate in oreder to better understand data
a person who is infected with a disease but does not get the symptoms
The process by which water particles diffuse, or move from an area of higher to lower concentration across a selectively permeable membrane.
Nervous System
Includes your brain, spinal cord, and nerves. This system receives information from the outside and inside world and directs the way in which your body will respond to the information.
A chlorophyll-containing organelle found in plant cells that aids in capturing light used in photosynthesis.
germ theory
the idea that infectous disease is caused by germs which can be spread by people
Quantitative Data
Data represented as numerical figures that can be expressed in numerical terms, counted, or compared on a scale; for example, the number of 911 calls received in a month.
Transmitted through genes from parents to offspring.
endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
A membrane network within the cytoplasm of cells involved in the synthesis, modification, and transport of cellular materials.
the study of right and wrong in people's behavior/conduct
a decision based on observations analysis of data and expirement

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