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What handles requests and responses?
Requests and responses are handled by the web browser, not directly by JavaScript code
Clears first form in HTML document when body loads
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
Creates a new object to talk HTTP to a web server (incompatible with IE)
When events occur in a web page...
Browser can run a function, and can give JS access to user-generated information in the page
onFocus=""; triggered when?
Event triggered when field is entered
onBlur=""; triggered when?
Event triggered when field is exited
The HTTP status code returned from the server
The data returned from the server in response to your request"POST", url, true);
Initializes an asynchronous request using POST
Number indicating what state the request is in: loading, in progress, finished processing, etc.
request.onreadystatechange = updatePage;
Set before calling request.send(null);, the browser runs this function (cannot have parenthesis) when server response received
Function run whenever user changes that particular field value
What do asynchronous apps use to make requests?
Asynchronous applications make requests using a JavaScript Object, not a form submit
var phone=document.getElementByID("phone").value;
Assigns the user-entered value in "phone" input to the variable "phone"
The function for the browser to run when the server responds to your request
var url = "/servlet/GetMileageServlet";
Creates a new variable and assigns it URL to a Java servlet
The web browser gets a response to an asynchronous request, now what?
When the web browser gets a response to an asynchronous request, it "calls back" the JavaScript with the server's response"GET", url, false);
Initializes a synchronous request using GET
Not sending data in the request
onChange=""; triggered when?
Event triggered when field is chnaged

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