Chapter 25 2
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- Describe the immigrants that started to come over in the late 1880s
- Instead of W. Europeans (Germans/Scandinavians) there were more Southern Europeans around those times. They were less educated and by the 1900s accounted for more than 60% of immigration.
- what was the social gospel?
- church has responbility to help others
- what was the point of Jane Addams and the Hull house
- In 1889 Jane Addams taught both children/adults the skills that they need to learn to survive in America. she was awarded the nobel prize in 1931
- what caused a return of nativism in the 1880s?
- Germans and W. Europeans looked down on the new Slavs and Baltics. Also, they feared racial mixing would result in inferior offspring. It led to the formation of the American Protective association which tried to stop immigration
- The Moody Bible institute was founded in what year and by who?
- It was founded by David Lyman Moody in 1889. he preached the social gospel
- It was similar to the Lyceums and started up in 1874, included public lectures by famous authors and at home studies
- Chautauqua movement
- who was the 1st black to get a Ph.d from Harvard?
- W.E.B. Dubois who believed in immediate equality, the talented tenth, and started the NAACP
- The morril act of 1862 provided a generous land grant to the states in support of education. what act extended this?
- The Hatch Act of 1887 which provided federal funds for the establishment of agricultural experiment stations in connection with the land grant colleges.
- who were the two leaders of Yellow journalism
- Joesph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst
- what association, formed in 1890, was led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan b. Anthony
- National American Woman suffrage Association in 1890
- what happens with custer?
- He leads his men of 264 soldiers to attack 2500 indians and is slaughtered in Black hills, Dakota
- who led the Nez Perce indians
- Chief Joseph