Chapter 29 2
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- What strike occured in Pennsylvania in 1902
- The Anthracite Coal mine strike where 140,000 workers demanded a 20% pay incease and a 9hr workday. TR threatened if the to seize the mines w/troops which led to a pay raise of 10% and a 9hr workday
- what was the Bureau of Corporations a part of? What did it do?
- The Bureau of Corporations was a part of the Department of commerce and labor, which was created in 1903. It probed businesses engaged in interstate commerce
- Why was the Elkins Act passed in 1903? What did it do?
- the Elkins Act was passed in 1903 because the ICC had(1887) proved ineffective. The Elkins Act heavily fined RRs that gave out rebates& it fined the shippers that accepted them.
- What does the Hepburn Act restrict?
- The Hepburn Act restricts the amt of free RR passes given out
- How did TR feel about trusts?
- TR felt that he should maintain the good trusts and kill the bad ones. For example, he brought up a suit against the Northern Securities in 1904.
- In what year was the Meat inspection Act passed
- The Meat Inspection Act was passed in 1906 so meat that was shipped over state lines was subject to inspection
- What writer intended to reveal the poor working conditions but instead brought attention to the horrors of the meatpacking industry?
- Upton Sinclair, he wrote The Jungle
- what act aided in preventing the mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals. It also aimed to have the Europeans trust us more
- the Pure Food and Drug Act
- what was the first conservation act
- The desert Land Act of 1877
- what did the Forest Reserve Act allow the president to do?
- The Forest Reserve Act allowed the president to set aside land as national parks. this saved 46 million acres of forests
- While TR was president who was the head of the Federal Division of Forestry, and who also aided in the initiation of irrigation projects
- Gifford Pinchot was a conservationist.
- What Act in 1902 initiated irrigation projects for the West
- The Newlands Act of 1902 initiated irrigation for the West
- Concern abt the disappearance of the frontier led to the creation of what??
- Jack London's Call of the Wild. Boy Scouts of america and the Sierra Club
- what Panic was TR wrongfully blamed for
- The Panic of 1897
- What Act authorized national banks to issue emergency currency backed by collateral
- the Aldrich Vreeland Act of 1908 authorized national banks to issue emergency currency backed by collateral
- who is chosen as TR's successor in 1908 and defeats William Bryan Jennings
- Taft in 1908
- what did Taft urge Americans to do?
- Taft urged dollar diplomacy, which said that Americans should invest in areas of strategic concern to the US
- what was the Ballinger-Pinchot scandal?
- richard ballinger was the secretary of the interior who opened up public lands to corporate development. Pinchot criticized him for it and Taft fired him