Greek/Roman Empires
undefined, object
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- arthur evans
- greek civ- loved greek myths, undiscovered palace in greece(palace at knossos) , lin a and b
- linear a/b
- a never deciphered, b- ventris deciphered as early greek trade, records of goods greek civ
- hellenes
- what greeks called themselves greek civ
- illiad
- greek bible, famous trojan war, core stories greek civ
- polis
- greek unit of city/state- based on birth greek civ
- hoplite phalanx
- warfare with longer spears set up and out... made up of middle class farmers greek civ
- thales
- father of philosophy; looked into creation without gods
- anaximander
- we were fish, originally from water
- democritus
- everything from atoma
- hippocrates
- understand diseases of body