photo arts
undefined, object
copy deck
- combination printing
- more than one negative on one substrate
- social conscious photography
- root of photo journalism - Dorothea Lange, Jacob Riis, Lewis W. Hine, Arthur Rothstein
- f64 group
- shot only at f64 used 8x10 view camera Ansel Adams
- Farm Security Administration
- Arthur Rawstein
- The Victorialists
- Robert Demachy
- Motion Photography
- Edward Muybridge
- Photo Journalists
- Robert Capa, Eddie Adams, UGINE SMITH
- Civil war photography
- Mathew Brady Timothy O'sellivan and Alexander Gardener
- Auto Chrome
- Kind of color process which utilizes potato starch
- what are the steps of work flow?
- concept, planning, capture, Ingestion, Edit, Optimization, Back-up
- dynamic range
- the extents of lights and darks that a specific camera can reach