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- Battle of Buldge
- Last ditch effort by the Germans to keep the Allies out of Germany
- Invasion of Soviet Union
- Code name was operation Barbarosa
- Invasion of Poland
- Blitzkrieg used for first time
- August 15,1945
- V-J Day
- September 2,1945
- formal surrender of Japanese
- Battle of Dunkirk
- 300,000 British and French men escaped France
- Battle for Palermo
- When the Allies took this city they had control of the island Sicily
- Battle of Leyte Gulf
- Douglas Mac Arthur was able to return to the Philipines as promised
- storm troopers
- were apart of the SS, wore brown shirts and beated up Jews
- Navajo indians
- helped US secretly comunicate with their language without Japanese ever cracking the code
- Battle of Midway
Four Japanese Aircraft carriers were destroyed
- Josef Stanlin
- Dictator of Soviet Union in WWII
- wolf pack
- 5-12 German U-boats. Weren't very effsetive because of radar and the airplane
- August 6,1945
- Hiroshima is hit by the Atomic bomb
- Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa
- Kamikazes were used as weapons for the 1st time
- Winston Churchill
- Prime minister of England during WWII
- Benito Mussolini
- il Duce
- Adolf Hitler
- Der Furer
- December 7, 1941
- Pearl Harbor attack
- May 8, 1945
- V-E day
- April 30,1945
- Hitler commits suicide
- June 6, 1944
- D-Day
- April 12, 1945
- FDR died
- September 1,1939
- Poland is invaded by Germany
- Invasion of Normady
- Code name was Operation Overload
- George Patton
- Tank commander for US
- Bataan Death March
- Aliied troops surrendered in the Philippines on April 9, 1942. Japanese took their prisoners and forced them to march to a prison camp nearly 60 miles away.
- Battleship Missouri
- where the formal surrender of Japanese took place.
- August 9,1945
- Nagasaki is hit by the Atomic Bomb
- Douglas Mac Arthur
- Allied commender in the pacific from 1941-1945
- Fat Man & Little Boy
- bombs created in the Manhattan project that were dropped on Japan under President Truman
- 442nd Army divison
- a group of Japenese service men who fought in the war to prove their loyalty to Americans
- Harry S. Truman
- president who gave orders to use atomic bombs on Japan
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- Allied commander from 1944-1945
- Bernard Montgomery
- Tank commander for Britsh
- Erwin Rommel
- Desert Fox