honors final
undefined, object
copy deck
- the lottery
- shirly jackson
- lamb to the slaughter
- ronald dahl
- life is sweet in kumansenu
abioseh nicol
- much ado about nothing
- william shakespeare
- a very old man with enormous wings
- gabriel marquez
- Mr parker
- laurie colwin
- something wicked this way comes
- ray bradbury
- through the tunnel
- doris lessing
- arthur becomes king of britain
- T H White
- A seperate peace
- john knowles
- the education of little tree
- forrest carter
- to kill a mockingbird
- harper lee
- the bet
- anton chekhov
- the cold equations
tom godwin
- The adventures of king of Britain
- sir thomas malory
- Antiogone
- sophocles
- fahrenheit 451
- ray bradbury
- the bass the river and sheila mant
- W D Wetherell
- the marriage of king arthur
- sir thomas malory
- mateo falcone
- Gabriel marquez