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Lecture Terms 11-B


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Duke of Wellington
Also known as Sir Arthur Wellesley was the British commander of the allied forces of Britain, Prussia, and the Netherlands at Waterloo.
Battle of the Pyramids
The battle in which Napoleon defeated Turkish troops in Egypt.
The brother of Louis XVI who became king in France after Napoleon's defeat.
Battle of the Nile
The battle in which fleet was destroyed by the British adimiral Horatio Nelson in 1798 which stranded the French army in Egypt.
The Hundred Days
The period after Napoleons escape from Elba until his defeat at Waterloo.
Coup d'etat of 1799
Napoleon's siezer of power by force in France.
The love of one's country rather than the love of a region.
"Whiff of Grapeshot"
The term used by Napoleon to describe his dispersal of a Paris mob which save the diretory.
The Consulate
The name of the government set up in France by Napoleon in 1799
Napoleonic Era
Period from 1799-1815 in which Napoleon influenced mot of Europe and the world.
Another guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna which menat restoring to power the royal families who had ruled before Napoleon.
Napoleonic Wars
The wars that Fracne fought from 1796-1815 against Europe.
St. Helena
The island in the South Atlantic to which Napoleon as exiled in 1815 and died in 1821.
Continental System
The attempt by Napoleon to blockaid British trade and destroy them economically.
Napoleonic Code
The organization and revision of all French laws and the basis of most legal codes in Europe
Congress of Vienna
The European conference to resore order and stability to Europe after the defeat of Napoleon.
Apolitical philosphy which believes in individual freedom and constitutional government.
One of the three guiding principles of the congress of Vienna which meant that all countires should be repaid for their expenses of fighing the French.
Concert of Europe
The attempt by European antions to work together through regular meetings to preserve the peace.
Joseph Bonaparte
The brother of Napoleon who was made king of Spain.
Battle of the Nations (Leipzig)
The first battle defeat of Napoleon by allied forces in 1813.
The Mediterranean island given to Napoleon by the allies for his first exile.
Russian Campaign
Napoleons invasion of Russia and on eof the greatiest military distasters of al time in which Napoleon led 600,000 men into Russia but only 40,000 returned.
Peninsula Campaign
The rebellion against Fench rule in Spain lasting from 1808-1814 and which was the first sucess aginst Napoleon.
People who oppose change and want to return things to the way they had been in earlier times.
First French Empire
Empire of Napoleon I.
Battle of Trafalagar
The 1805 destruction of the combined French and Spanish fleets by adimiral Nelson which ended Napoleon's plans for an invasion of Britain.
Scorched Earth Policy
The Russian practice of burning and destroying everything n the path of an invading army.
Balance of Power
The third guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna which meant that no country should ever again domintate continental Europe.
The final defeat of Napoleonon June 18,1815 by the allies.

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