Lecture Terms 11-B
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- Duke of Wellington
- Also known as Sir Arthur Wellesley was the British commander of the allied forces of Britain, Prussia, and the Netherlands at Waterloo.
- Battle of the Pyramids
- The battle in which Napoleon defeated Turkish troops in Egypt.
- Louis XVIII
- The brother of Louis XVI who became king in France after Napoleon's defeat.
- Battle of the Nile
- The battle in which fleet was destroyed by the British adimiral Horatio Nelson in 1798 which stranded the French army in Egypt.
- The Hundred Days
- The period after Napoleons escape from Elba until his defeat at Waterloo.
- Coup d'etat of 1799
- Napoleon's siezer of power by force in France.
- Nationalism
- The love of one's country rather than the love of a region.
- "Whiff of Grapeshot"
The term used by Napoleon to describe his dispersal of a Paris mob which save the diretory.
- The Consulate
- The name of the government set up in France by Napoleon in 1799
- Napoleonic Era
- Period from 1799-1815 in which Napoleon influenced mot of Europe and the world.
- Legitimacy
- Another guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna which menat restoring to power the royal families who had ruled before Napoleon.
- Napoleonic Wars
- The wars that Fracne fought from 1796-1815 against Europe.
- St. Helena
- The island in the South Atlantic to which Napoleon as exiled in 1815 and died in 1821.
- Continental System
- The attempt by Napoleon to blockaid British trade and destroy them economically.
- Napoleonic Code
- The organization and revision of all French laws and the basis of most legal codes in Europe
- Congress of Vienna
- The European conference to resore order and stability to Europe after the defeat of Napoleon.
- Liberalism
- Apolitical philosphy which believes in individual freedom and constitutional government.
- Compensation
- One of the three guiding principles of the congress of Vienna which meant that all countires should be repaid for their expenses of fighing the French.
- Concert of Europe
- The attempt by European antions to work together through regular meetings to preserve the peace.
- Joseph Bonaparte
- The brother of Napoleon who was made king of Spain.
- Battle of the Nations (Leipzig)
- The first battle defeat of Napoleon by allied forces in 1813.
- Elba
- The Mediterranean island given to Napoleon by the allies for his first exile.
- Russian Campaign
- Napoleons invasion of Russia and on eof the greatiest military distasters of al time in which Napoleon led 600,000 men into Russia but only 40,000 returned.
- Peninsula Campaign
- The rebellion against Fench rule in Spain lasting from 1808-1814 and which was the first sucess aginst Napoleon.
- Reactionaries
- People who oppose change and want to return things to the way they had been in earlier times.
- First French Empire
- Empire of Napoleon I.
- Battle of Trafalagar
- The 1805 destruction of the combined French and Spanish fleets by adimiral Nelson which ended Napoleon's plans for an invasion of Britain.
- Scorched Earth Policy
- The Russian practice of burning and destroying everything n the path of an invading army.
- Balance of Power
- The third guiding principle of the Congress of Vienna which meant that no country should ever again domintate continental Europe.
- Waterloo
- The final defeat of Napoleonon June 18,1815 by the allies.