honor english midterm
undefined, object
copy deck
- sinners in the hands of an angry god
- jonathan edwards
- the invisible world
- cotton mather
- declaration of independence
- thomas jefferson
- poor richards almanac
- benjamin franklin
- common sense
- thomas paine
- legend of sleepy hollow and rip van winkle, the devil and tom walker
- washington irving
- annabel lee, murders in the rue morgue, the raven, the fall of the house of usher
- edgar allen poe
- uncle tom's cabin
- harriet beecher stowe
- the adventures of huckleberry finn
- mark twain
- of mice and men, and the pearl
- john steinbeck
- their eyes were watching god
- zora neale hurston
- the crucible
- arthur miller
- a raisin in the sun
- loraine hansberry
- i know why the caged bird sings
- maya angelou
- the color purple
- alice walker
- lonesome dove
- larry mcMurthy
- the joy luck club
- amy tan
- animal dreams
- barbara kingsolver
- the constitution
- john adams and friends