ACDEC SS Demicards I
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- T/F: Jugurtha never posed a real threat to Rome.
- T
- What was the only tribe in the Middle East able to escape Tiglath-Pileser's control?
- Arameans, nomadic Semetic tribe
- The 13th dynasty saw several short/long reigns
- short
- When did the earliest settlements develop in Mesopotamia?
- Uruk period
- With the decline of Babylon, who rose to prominence?
- The Hurrians and their successors, the Mittani
- What were the 4 early phases in Upper Egyptian prehistory?
- Badarian, Amratian, Gerzean, and Dynasty 0
- Who excavated ancient Babylon prior to WWI?
- Robert Koldewey
- Periander brought the rebel colony of
- Corcyra
- Who was the Middle Assyrian Empire's strongest king?
- Tiglath-Pileser I
- He was the son of Esarhaddon and Naqi'a-Zakutu
- Ashurbanipal
- What were some of Shulgi's achievements?
- reorganized system of weights and measures, introduced new calendar, founded schools at Ur and Nippur
- Who succeeded Cypselus
- his son Periander
- What action did the Phoenicians take to ensure their autonomy?
- built walls around their cities
- By 2200 BC pressures from what tribe left the Akkadian empire in internal disarray?
- Gutian invaders
- Who became one of the more famous local rulers afer the Akkadian Empire reverted to local control?
- Gudea of Lagash
- What was Gudea's reign noteworthy for?
- building and furnishing of temples
- The cultural renewal under Gudea is referred to as the ____ or ____
- Neo-Sumerian Revival, Sumerian Renaissance
- How did Ur-Nammu expand his control of Sumer and Akkad
- diplomatic alliances
- What was a harmosts?
- commander who oversaw a Spartan garrison
- What did Philip promise Greece at the Congress of Corinth?
- Greece united, Ionia free from Persian oppression
- What did the Megara Decree say?
- prohibited Megaran trade in the empire
- Platea was an ally of ___ in the 2nd Pelo War
- Athens
- Who were the "Thirty Tyrants?"
- leaders of the oligarchic gvt claimed in Athens
- Who joined Marius as consul after Sulla fled?
- Cinna
- The Early Dynastic Period spanned what years?
- 2900-2370 BC
- By 146 BC, what 6 provinces did Rome control?
- Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Spain, Macedonia, Africa
- What new alliance did the city-states that withdrew from the Athenian League form?
- Arcadian League
- What did the Licinio-Sextian Laws accomplish?
- Let plebs be consul, gave plebs land ownership, debt relief
- At what battle did Octavian defeat Antony and Cleopatra?
- Actium
- How did Ashur-uballit consolidate his power?
- arr marriage between daughter and Kassite king of Babylon, then deposed K king, entered war with Mittanni to make a buffer state, correspondence with Amenhotep IV
- Who came to the Persian throne after the death of Cyrus the Great?
- Cambyses II
- What were the 1st colonizing mother states?
- Chalcis and Eretria, Corinth, Megara, Achaia
- T/F: Assyria's 2nd phase of empire included the domination of Babylon
- F
- Which Spartan commander provoked a rebellion against the Athenians in Chios?
- Alcibiades
- Who was the last Flavian emperor?
- Domitian
- The Middle Kingdom lasted from ____ to ____ BC
- 2000, 1600
- T/F: Canaan was good for farming.
- F
- Who did the Boeotians defeat in the Corinthian war?
- Sparta
- This was a popular Assyrian location for royal residences
- Nineveh
- The old kingdom was in the 2000s/3000s BC
- 2000
- To which British archeologist do we owe our knowledge of Crete to?
- Sir Arthur Evans