CSE1310 Lecture 1
undefined, object
copy deck
- What were three early calculators?
- Abacus, Pascaline, and Jacquard's Loom
- Who were the weavers of algebra?
- Charles Babbage & Ada Augusta
- Who created the Pascaline?
- Blaise Pascal
- How did Jacquard's Loom work?
- It used a series of punch cards which controlled the actions of the loom.
- Who is the father of computing?
- Charles Babbage
- What did Babbage do?
- He built the difference engine and the analytical engine.
- What was the difference engine?
- A machine designed by Babbage which could calculate mathmathical tables using punch cards. (wasn't actually ever completed)
- Who was Herman Hollerith?
- Built the first census tabulating machine in 1860.
- How did Hollerith's machine work?
- It used punched cards for data storage. Each punch represented a number, and two punches a letter.
- Who was the founder of IBM?
- Thomas Watson, IBM at one point had 90% of all tabulation machines.
- Who was the father of the Digital Computer?
- John Atanasoff
- What were 4 properties of the Atanasoff Berry computer?
- used electricity, binary no. system, condensers,
- What were 3 of the first military computers?
- Enigma, Colossus & Eniac
- What was the Enigma?
- A computer that was use for cryptographics (secret coding).
- Who built the Enigma?
- Arthur Scherbius
- Who was Konrad Zane?
- built the first binary computer, called ZI
- What was the Colossus?
- It was a computer that was able to decipher the Enigma code.
- Who was the main designer of Colossus?
- Alan Turing
- Where was Colossus built?
- Bletchley Park, a top secret British government building
- What was the Eniac?
- first general purpose electronic computer (if you ignore Atanasoff's & Colossus)
- What is Eniac an acronym for?
- Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (E.N.I.A.C.)
- Who built the Eniac?
- John Mauchley & Presper Eckert
- Who later improved the Eniac math functions?
- John Von Neumann
- What were three early programming languages?
- Fortran, Cobol, and Algol
- What were two early programming languages that were designed to be universal?
- PL/1 and Algol 68
- What the original purpose of C language?
- they wanted a high level language with low level contructs
- Who developed C?
- Kernigan & Ritchie
- What is C++?
- It is C with object-oriented capabilities added