Bronze Age Aegean
undefined, object
copy deck
- Arthur Evans
found/discovered site of crete
named/discovered Linear A and B - Knossos
- Palace of Minos was found here my Evans, on Island of Crete
- Linear A
- Found in Crete, language can not be translated
- Heinrich Schliemann
- Amateur archaeologist, using epic of Homer found culture of Mysenean. (Troy and once powerful citadels on Greek mainland)
- Linear B
- Earliest written form of Greek, Greeks took Linear A and modified it to suit their own language better.
- Cyclopean masonry
- Believed to be built by Cyclopes.
- Homer
- Hunger and quest for individual honor, glory and virtue established by warrior class society dominating
- Agamemnon
Commander in cheif of greek forces in story of HOMER.
Battles w/ Achilles - Helen
- Who the Trojan war was found over. She was kidnapped
- Achilles
- the story is of his disastrous mistake
- Priam
Old King of Troy
Demands body of dead Son - Sea Peoples
Brought the end of the Bronze Age.
Dystroyed much of Mediterranean world - The Iliad
(ca. 850 BC) Takes place during final year of the Greeks siege of Troy. Subject: Anger of Achilles and it s consequences.
Message: We must be prepared to answer for the results of our own actions and realize that when we act wrongly we will cause suffering both for ourselves and for those we love. - Palace of Minos
Complex Drainage System, Light wells, collums made of wood/narrow at bottoms,connected to Labrynth - Throne Room
Palace of Minos, Knossos.
Frescos on walls
Depictions show women on the throne. - Bull Leaping Fresco
ca. 1500 BC
Men depicted in red color women depicted in white color
several translations: impossible to do somersault, depict constellation, evidence for Minoan bull cult - Priestess with Snakes
ca.1600 BC
Possibly represents a priestess serving the goddess - Lion Gate
Citadel at Mycenae
Lions protecting
ca. 1250 BC - Funerary mask
ca. 1500 BC
Found in Shaft grave. Actually a protrait of Agamemnon.