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Neurological Assessment


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Neurological Assessment

What do you say before beginning assessment?
I'm going to do another assessment now. I will start by asking you some questions, I will shine a light in your eyes, and check your strength.
What does upright mean?
For infants: Check fontanels in the upright position.
What do you check fontanels for?
Check for sunken, depressed, or bulging fontanels.
What do you check for in orientation?
Person - What is your full name?
Place - Can you tell me where you are?
Time - Can you tell me today's date? or day of the week, or time of day, AM/PM?
What about a child 1-3 yrs. old?
Use VAT system. Visual, Auditory, Tactile: Abilitiy to recognize familiar objects, parent, favorite toy, and see if pt is reaching out for toy; did baby turn when name called?
What do you check pupils for?
PERRL - ask to look at your nose, then dim lights and check with a pen light for reaction to light. Keep pen 15cm away. You are checking if both pupils are equal in size and if they constrict at the same rate.
What do you tell pt BEFORE pupil assessment?
I will be shining a light in your eyes. It may be a little uncomfortable, but I will be as quick as possible, just continue looking at my nose.
How do you check for UPPER Extremity strength?
Tell pt - Can you squeeze my fingers with both hands at the same time and don't let me pull away.
What are you checking for in UPPER extremity strength?
You are checking if hand grasp is equal in strength bilaterally.
How do you check for LOWER Extremity strength?
Tell pt - Can you push your feet against my hands towards your face, and now away from your face.
What are you checking for in LOWER extremity strength?
You are checking for dorsal and plantar flexion of feet and comparing if they are equal bilaterally.
How do you check strength in a child under 3?
Observe musculoskeletal response for symmetry and movement.
How do you check strength in babies?
Grasp fingers and pull your finger away and see if the grasps are equal in strength on both hands.
How do you check strength in non-responsive to verbal stimuli pts?
Apply pressure to nail bed and see if they react or pull away.

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