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ABeka Science 6-4


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What is the "atmosphere"?
Layers of air at the surface of the earth.
What is astronomy?
The study of the stars, planets and all other heavenly bodies.
Where is the "core" of the sun?
The center of the sun, its hottest region.
What is the "Local Group"?
A cluster of about 40 galaxies, which includes the Milky Way where we live.
What is a "galaxy"?
A star system containing millions or billions of stars.
What is a "vacuum"?
An area containing no air or any other matter.
What is the "Andromeda Galaxy"?
The Andromeda Galaxy is a galaxy large enough to be seen with the naked eye on a dark night.
What are "sun spots"?
Patches of gas that are cooler than the rest of the sun and therefore not as bright.
What are "barred spirals"?
Spiral "arms" attached to a straight "bar" that runs through the center of a galaxy.
What are "nebulae"?
Large clouds of gas and dust floating in space.
What is the "exosphere"?
The top-most region of the atmosphere in which molecules of air travel for miles without encountering other air molecules.
How does a composite volcano form?
Composite volcanos form when alternating layers of fluid lava and tephra create a steep symmetrical mountain.
What is the "Milky Way"?
The galaxy in which we live.
What is the "corona"?
A haze of very hot gases which extends hundreds of thousands of miles away from the surface of the sun.
What is a "spiral galaxy"?
Galaxies whose shape looks like a giant pinwheel spinning through the void of space (includes the Milky Way and Andromeda). All have a central nucleus that resembles a flattened ball, to which are atached long, curved arms. They contain vast amounts of gas and dust.
What are "elliptical galaxies"?
When viewed from the side, they resemble eggs or footballs. They are not as structured as spiral galaxies and do not contain as much free gas or dust.
What is an astronomer?
A scientist who studies outer space.
What is a "granule"?
Bubbles of rising gas, close to the surface of the sun, which give the sun's face a speckled look. Each "bubble" is about 600 miles across and lasts 5-10 minutes before cooling and sinking back into the sun.
Spacesuits protect astronauts from extremes of what?
What is the "chromosphere"?
The part of the sun's atmosphere closest to the sun's surface which gives the sun its color.
What are the three types of galactic shapes?
Spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies.
What is "friction"?
The force that resists motion.
What three galaxies are the closest to ours (the Milky Way Galaxy)?
Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy, the Large Megellanic Cloud, and the Small Magellanic Cloud.
What are "irregular galaxies"?
Irregular galaxies are composed of stars clumped together with no definite shape.
What is the "photosphere"?
The sun's visible surface.
What is a "supercluster"?
A larger grouping of galaxy clusters (like our Local Group) which join together to form the walls of a vast bubble-shaped structure.

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