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Anatomy - Nervous: Peripheral

This set focuses on cranial nerves and major plexi. It is taken from the Martini and Bartholomew book, bear with it please.


Oh, Once One Takes The Anatomy Final, Very Good Vacations Are Heavenly.
1. Olfactory
2. Optic
3. Oculomotor
4. Trochlear
5. Trigeminal
6. Abducens
7. Facial
8. Vestibulocochlear
9. Glossopharyngeal
10. Vagus
11. Accessory
12. Hypoglossal
The 12 Cranial Nerves


undefined, object
copy deck
cluster of cell masses
peripheral nerve
long bundle of axons wrapped in connective tissue
cranial nerve
peripheral nerve that connects to the brain
# of pairs of cranial nerves
olfactory nerve
the first cranial nerve
olfactory nerve
cranial nerve that deals with smell
olfactory nerve
the only cranial nerve that attaches to the cerebrum
optic nerve
cranial nerve that deals with eyesight
optic chiasm
intersection of the optic nerves
oculomotor nerve
cranial nerve that articulates eye muscles: superior, medial and inferior rectus and inferior oblique
trochlear nerve
smallest cranial nerve
trochlear nerve
cranial nerve that articulates the superior oblique muscles of the eye
ligamentous sling for the superior oblique muscle
how many muscles in an eye?
trigeminal nerve
largest cranial nerve
opthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve
cranial nerve that provides sensory information from the eye orbit, nasal cavity and forehead skin
maxillary branch of the trigeminal nerve
cranial nerve that provides sensory information from lower eyelid to upper cheek
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
cranial nerve that provides sensory information from temples, gums, teeth and front of tongue
mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve
cranial nerve that controls chewing muscles
abducens nerve
cranial nerve that innervates the lateral rectus muscle
facial nerve
cranial nerve that controls face expressions
facial nerve
cranial nerve that provides pressure sensations from the face and taste from the back of the tongue
vestibulocochlear nerve
cranial nerve that is responsible for the ear
vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve
cranial nerve that gets the balance and motion sensations
cochlear branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve
cranial nerve that gets the hearing
glossopharyngeal nerve
cranial nerve that gets taste from the back of the tongue and controls swallowing
vagus nerve
cranial nerve that gets taste from the throat and the digestive tract
accessory nerve
cranial nerve that articulates neck and back
accessory nerve
cranial nerve that has some of its motor fibers in vertebra
hypoglossal nerve
cranial nerve that controls the voluntary actions of the tongue
# of cervical nerve pairs
# of coccygeal nerve pairs
# of sacral nerve pairs
virus causing a rash in the area of affected nerves
nerve plexus
compound nerve trunk from a bunch of nerves
cervical plexus
innervates the neck and diaphragm
phrenic nerve
innervates the diaphragm
brachial plexus
innervates the shoulder girdle and arms
axillary nerve
controls the deltoid and teres minor muscles and shoulder skin
musculocutaneous nerve
controls arm flexor muscles
median nerve
controls hand flexors
radial nerve
controls all arm and hand extensor muscles
ulnar nerve
controls the fingers
lumbosacral plexus
controls pelvic girdle and lower limb
obturator nerve
controls adductors of hips
femoral nerve
controls extensors of knee
gluteal nerve
controls extensors of hip
sciatic nerve
controls knee and ankle flexors and all toes
saphenous nerve
controls only a portion of the leg skin
monosynaptic reflex
reflex with 2 nerves present
patellar reflex, knee jerk
reflex triggered by the knee tap
polysynaptic reflex
complicated reflex with a bunch of nerves involved
reciprocal inhibition
stimulating one neuron over another that controls this muscle's antagonist
Babinski reflex
presence of a ticklish sensation from stroking the sole
plantar reflex
no tickling from sole stroking
posterior column pathway
sends very fine pain, pressure and other senses
spinothalamic pathway
sends general pain and other sensations
spinocerebellar pathway
delivers muscle position info
pyramidal system
conscious muscle control
extrapyramidal system
subconscious muscle control
cerebral palsy
disease inhibiting voluntary muscle action caused by birth defects
Huntington's disease
disease in which neurons degenerate impairing all muscle and intellectual activity

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