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History Final Review

SMS history review 2008

Essay Questions
1. Comment on the quote, "The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after a revolution.

Do you agree with Thomas Paine's view that "Government, even in its best state, is a necessary evil?" What do you feel is the role of the government today


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Sir edward coke
English lawyer, became roger williams benefactor
Was believed to have saved john smith
Sugar Act (1764)
British in debt, partly because french indian war, Tariff was placed on sugar coffee wine and molasses it was overridden by smugglers and bribery
non importation agreements
Colonists agreed to stick together and promised to stop importing goods taxed by the Townshend Acts. They hoped the boycott would get the act repealed.
Starving Time
Winter of 1609-1610
Quartering Act (1765)
Colonists had to provide food and lodging for english soldiers stationed in massachusetts
Thomas Hooker
wanted strict limits on the government, he and his followers set up a colony in connecticut
Writs of Assistance
General Search warrant in Massachusetts to search for smuggled goods.
Sons of liberty
staged protests against british policies from boston to charleston. Staged mock Hangings of atraw effigies dressed like british officials. Tried to bully tax collectors
Treaty Of Paris (1763)
england gained a strong foothold west of Appalachia Englan gained all of canada and lands east of the Mississippi, and florida. France was allowed to keep to islands in the Gulf of st. Lawrence, also guadalupe and martinique in the west indies, and spain gets all french land west of the mississippi and New Orleans
John Dickinson
Pennsylvania lawyer and leading moderate patriot who wanted to petition King George III
Boston Massacre
Colonists gathered outside the Boston Customs House. Colonists and redcoats taunted and insulted eachother. Snowballs, shells and rocks were thrown at the british soldiers. Soldiers shot and killed 5 people. Stirred up anti british feelings.
Wanted to reform the church of england by doing away with practices of the roman catholic church. Established Massachusetts bay colony
Stamp Act Congress (1765)
nine colonies drew up a petition to george III and Parliament requesting the repeal of the stamp act. Was refused, Colonies boycotted british goods resulting of the repeal of the act in 1766
John Smith
Considered by some historians to be the savior of the Jamestown colony. Believed that those who would not work would not eat
Mary Dyer
a quaker woman who was ung on boston common in 1660 for her views regarding women's right to preach and her views on the separation of church and state.
Stamp Act (1765)
Set a stiff direct tax on virtually every kind of printed matter like cards, stamps dice, diplomas legal docuents and others
Another name for quakers
Maryland Toleration Act
allowed freedom of worship for all christians
crop that saved the plymouth colony, helped by squanto
James Wolfe & De Montcalm
led the british and French troops in the battle of Quebec on the plains of Abraham. Both were killed.
John Winthrop
a respected Puritan minister who was Massachusetts bay colonies first governor
William Penn
Founded the colony of Pennsylvania for profit, religious freedom, and political freedom
Committee of correspondence
Samuel adams started writing a campaign letter and pamphlets. Before long the Committee of correspondence became a major tool of protest in every colony, informing other colonists what had occured in boston
Virginia Company
gave virginia settlers some power of self government
James Oglethrope
Founder of Georgia colony for english debtors
Jamestown Colony
First permanent English Colony in North America 1607
No Taxation Without Representation
Riots in Boston, NYC, newport, and charleston protesting the stamp act
Townshend acts (1767)
A tax passed by the british on glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea. British tax officials were sent to the colonies with orders to stop smuggling and bribery. Tax collectors were granted writs of assistance to inspect a ship's cargo or a warehouse without giving a reason.
Declaratory Act (1776)
England can make any law it wishes for the colonies
Gaspee Burning (1772)
A blaze that was a great beacon calling to arms against the british, the event is referred to as "the lexington of the sea" Led By Rhode Islanders.
Virginia's Cash Crop
House of Burgesses
In this part of the general assembly, the members were elected by the colonists, first government in the new settlements
Mayflower Compact
A solemn agreement that set up a semi democratic government in plymouth
William Bradford
longtime governor of plymouth colony
first slaves brought to Jamestown VA
Indentured servants
Europeans who agreed to work for a master for 7 years
George and Cecilius Calvert
Founders of maryland colony
French and Indian war (1754-1763)
Fought between england and france over control of resources located in the ohio valley. British general James Wolfe, French General Marquis de Montcalm Both die on the plains of Abraham, Quebec and montreal fall to the british.
Anne Hutchinson
She believed in saving grace and direct spiritual communication between individuals and god. Lived in Pocasset RI
Proclamation of 1763
Colonists wre forbidden to settle west of the appalachian mountains. All settlers already west of the line wre to leave at once. 10000 soldiers were sent to enforce the law. Angered the colonists
the most ethnically diversified colony in colonial america
refers to puritan belief that god has already chosan who is saved and damned

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