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Theories/Principles of Learning


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Operant Conditioning term occurs when primary reinforcer loses its reinforceing quality from being presented too much
Classical Conditioning term occurs when a subj gets used to an unconditioned stimulus
occurs when the cond stimulus is presented w/o the uncond stimulus
Backwards conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus presented before the conditioned stimulus
Variable schedules
result in response rates that are smooth & steady
Fixed Schedules
Fixed Interval/Fixed Ratio result in scalloped patterns-target behav occurs prior to reinforcement followed by lull after reinforcement
Variable ratio schedule
Strongest response rate
Fixed ratio schedule
Response rate that is moderate to high
Variable Interval Schedule
Low to moderate resp rate
Fixed Interval Schedule
lowest response rate
Stimulus Generalization
Generalization to a similar stimulus, re Little Albert
Higher Order Conditioning
New and different neutral stimulus deliberately paired with original cond stimulus
Classical conditioning
Learning takes place when things are paired. Pavlov and Watson
Unconditioned stimulas vs Conditioned stimulas
Unconditioned: universal to the species
True Conditioning
CS (tone) presented before US (meat powder)
Operant Conditioning
Reward and punishment. Watson and Thornike (Law of Effect)
Positive Reinforcement
Reward - after the target behavior is performed something of value is given
Negative Reinforcement
After the target behavior is performed, something annoying is removed
Positive Punishment
Pain. After the target behavior is performed, something aversive is added
Reinforcing each step of the way as person gets closer to desired behavior
Major reinforcement occurs at the end of the chain
Premack Principle
High freq behavior is used to reinforce low freq behavior
Behavioral contrast
Behavior that is being reinforced increases while behavior that is no longer reinforced decreases
Superstitous Behavior
accidental reinforcement or non-contingent reinforcement

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