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HR Management


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The rejection of a significantly higher percentage of a protected class for employment, placement, or promotion when compared with the successful, nonprotected class.
Adverse Impact
Policy that goes beyond equal employment opportunity by requiring organizations to comply with the law and correct past discriminatory practices by increasing the numbers of minorities and women in specific positions.
Affirmative Action
Suitable defense against a discrimination charge only where age, religion, sex, or national origin is an actual qualification for performing the job.
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)
Work-related practice that is necessary to the safe and efficient operation of an organization.
Business Necessity
Discrimination complaint filed with the EEOC by employees or job applicants
Charge Form
Any person who (1) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the persons mahor life activities, (2) has a record of such impairment, or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment
Disabled Individual
An employerÂ’s intentional unequal treatment or evaluation by different standards of protected-class members.
Disparate Treatment
An employer information report that must be filed annually by employers of 100 or more employees to determine an employer's workforce composition
EEO-1 Report
The treatment of individuals in all aspects of employment — hiring, promotion, training, etc.— in a fair and nonbiased manner.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
State and local laws governing equal employment opportunity that are often more comprehensive than federal laws.
Fair Employment Practices (FEPs)
Rule of thumb followed by the EEOC in determining adverse impact for use in enforcement proceedings.
Four-Fifths Rule or Adverse Rejection Rate
Individuals of a minority race, women, older people, and those with disabilities who are covered by federal laws on equal employment opportunity
Protected Classes
Attempt by employers to adjust, without undue hardship, the working conditions or schedules of employees with disabilities or religious preferences
Reasonable Accomodation
The act of giving preference to members of protected classes to the extent that unprotected individuals believe they are suffering discrimination.
Reverse Discrimination
Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the working environment
Sexual Harassment
Procedural document published in the Federal Register to assist employers in complying with federal regulations against discriminatory actions
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
The process of comparing the composition by race and sex for jobs within an organization against composition of the employerÂ’s relevant labor market.
Workforce Utilization Analysis
Integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers
Core Competencies
The planned elimination of jobs (“head count”).
The process of dismissing employees who are then hired by a leasing company (which handles all HR-related activities) and contracting with that company to lease back the employees.
Employee Leasing
The trend toward opening up foreign markets to international trade and investment.
The knowledge, skills, and capabilities of individuals that have economic value to an organization.
Human capital
Computerized system that provides current and accurate data for purposes of control and decision making.
Human Resources Information System (HRIS)
Workers whose responsibilities extend beyond the physical execution of work to include planning, decision making, and problem solving.
Knowledge Workers
Being aware of characterstics common to employees, while also managing employees as individuals.
Managing Diversity
Contracting outside the organization to have work done that formerly was done by internal employees
Change initiated to take advantage of targeted opportunities
Proactive change
Change that occurs after external forces have already affected performance
Reactive change
Fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed.
A process used to translate customer needs into a set of optimal tasks that are performed in concert with one another.
Six Sigma
A set of principles and practices whose core ideas include understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and striving for continuous improvement.
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Job analysis method by which job tasks are identified that are critical to job success
Critical Incident Method
Granting employees power to initiate change, thereby encouraging them to take charge of what they do
Employee Empowerment
Groups of employees who meet to resolve problems or offer suggestions for organizational improvement
Employee Involvement Groups (EIs)
An employee contributions technique whereby: Work functions are structured for groups rather than for individuals. Team members are given discretion in matters traditionally considered management prerogatives, such as process improvements, product or ser
Employee Teams
An interdisciplinary approach to designing equipment and systems that can be easily and efficiently used by human beings
Working hours that permit employees the option of choosing daily starting and quitting times, provided that they work a set number of hours per day or week
Quantitative approach to job analysis that utilizes a compiled inventory of the various functions or work activities that can make up any job. Assumes that each job involves three broad worker functions: (1) data, (2) people, and (3) things.
Functional Job Analysis (FJA)
A field of study concerned with analyzing work methods and establishing time standards
Industrial Engineering
A group of related activities and duties
The process of obtaining information about jobs by determining what the duties, tasks, or activities of jobs are.
Job Analysis
Job design that purports that three psychological states (experiencing meaningfulness of the work performed, responsibility for work outcomes, and knowledge of the results of the work performed) of a jobholder result in improved work performance, interna
Job Characteristics Model (Hackman and Oldham)
Statement of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities (TDRs) of a job to be performed
Job Description
An outgrowth of job analysis that improves jobs through technological and human considerations in order to enhance organization efficiency and employee job satisfaction.
Job Design
Enhancing a job by adding more meaningful tasks and duties (vertical expansion) to make the work more rewarding or satisfying.
Job Enrichment (Herzberg)
Providing opportunities for achievement, recognition, growth, responsibility, and performance.
Job Enrichment (2) (Herzberg)
A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics
Job Family
Statement of the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) of the person who is to perform the job
Job Specification
A copyrighted questionnaire that is used to determine the degree to which different tasks are involved in performing a particular job.
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
The different duties and responsibilities performed by only one employee
The use of personal computers, networks, and other communications technology such as fax machines to do work in the home that is traditionally done in the workplace.
A group with widely dispersed members linked together through computer and telecommunications technology.
Virtual Team
The process of comparing the organizationÂ’s processes and practices with those of other companies
Audits of the culture and quality of work life in an organization.
Cultural Audits
Process of anticipating and making provision for the movement (flow) of people into, within, and out of an organization.
Human Resources Planning (HRP)
Posting vacancy notices and maintaining lists of employees looking for upgraded positions.
Job Posting and Bidding
Area from which applicants are to be recruited.
Labor Market
The opinions (judgments) of supervisors, department managers, experts, or others knowledgeable about the organizationÂ’s future employment needs.
Management Forecasts
A method for tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs.
Markov Analysis
A preference for hiring relatives of current employees.
Capacity of the organization to act and change in pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage.
Organizational Capability
Informing applicants about all aspects of the job, including both its desirable and undesirable facets.
Realistic Job Previews (RJP)
Listings of current jobholders and persons who are potential replacements if an opening occurs.
Replacement Charts
Files of personnel education, experience, interests, skills, etc., that allow managers to quickly match job openings with employee backgrounds.
Skill Inventories
Graphic representations of all organizational jobs, along with the numbers of employees currently occupying those jobs and future (monthly or yearly) employment requirements.
Staffing Tables
The process of identifying, developing, and tracking key individuals for executive positions.
Succession Planning
A quantitative approach to forecasting labor demand based on an organizational index such as sales.
Trend analysis
Percentage of applicants from a recruitment source that make it to the next stage of the selection process.
Yield Ratio
Measures of what a person knows or can do right now.
Achievement tests
Measures of a personÂ’s capacity to learn or acquire skills.
Aptitude tests
An interview in which an applicant is asked questions about what he or she actually did in a given situation.
Behavioral Description Interview (BDI)
Permits a high score in one area to make up for a low score in another area.
Compensatory Model
The extent to which test scores (or other predictor information) match criterion data obtained at about the same time from current employees.
Concurrent Validity
The extent to which a selection tool measures a theoretical construct or trait.
Construct validity
The extent to which a selection instrument, such as a test, adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular job.
Content validity
The extent to which a selection tool predicts, or significantly correlates with, important elements of work behavior.
Criterion-related Validity
Verifying the results obtained from a validation study by administering a test or test battery to a different sample (drawn from the same population).
Requires an applicant to achieve a minimum level of proficiency on all selection dimensions.
Multiple Cutoff Model
Only applicants with sufficiently high scores at each selection stage go on to subsequent stages in the selection process.
Multiple Hurdle Model
The applicant determines the course of the discussion, while the interviewer refrains from influencing the applicantÂ’s remarks.
Nondirective Interview
An interview in which a board of interviewers questions and observes a single candidate.
Panel Interview
The extent to which applicantsÂ’ test scores match criterion data obtained from those applicants/ employees after they have been on the job for some indefinite period.
Predictive Validity
The degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time and alternative measures.
The process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings.
The number of applicants compared with the number of people to be hired.
Selection Ratio
An interview in which an applicant is given a hypothetical incident and asked how he or she would respond to it.
Situational Interview
An interview in which a set of standardized questions having an established set of answers is used.
Structured Interview
Degree to which a test or selection procedure measures a personÂ’s attributes.
The extent to which validity coefficients can be generalized across situations.
Validity generalization

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