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Kim Ingteumentary System


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Two primary components of the Skin
Cutaneous layers & accessory structures
Cutaneous: 2 layers
Epidermis & Dermis
Epidermis is...
...avascular & relies on dermis for diffusion of nutrients, etc.
Cells of the Epidermis
Keratinocyte Melanocyte Langerhans or dendritic cells Merkel cells
primary cell of epidermis lives for 25-45 days produces keratin
"orange octopus" produces "melanin" creates melanosomes that end up in keratinocytes
Langerhans or dendritic cells
stimulate immune response to microorganisms & surface skin cancers
Merkel cells
found in hairless areas of skin--act as sensory receptors
Layers of the epidermis (deep to superficial)
Stratum germantivum or basale Stratum spinosum Stratum granulosm Stratum lucidum Stratum corneum
Stratum basale
Is attached to dermis 1 cell thick stems cells called basal cells new cells get pushed up into next layer melanocytes & Merkel cells among them
Stratum spinosum
"spiny layer" 8-10 cells thick cells interconnected by desmosomes Langerhans or dendritic cells in this layer
Stratum granulosum
grainy layer last layer of living cells:transitional layer 3-5 cells thick keratin production rapid here Cells thinner & flatter--dehydration of cells starting
Stratum lucidum
"glassy" layer thick skin only 1 cell thick cells flatttend & filled with keratin
Stratum corneum
75% of thickness 15-30 cells thick Cells dead, but connections still tight
Dermis: definition
the hide strong flexible cutaneous layer deep to the epidermis filled with elastic & collagen fibers
Structures in the dermis
1. Blood vessesls in the cutaneous plexus: branches that run to the top of dermis & form "papillary plexus" supplies blood to epidermis, hair follicles, sweat glands 2. Nerve receptors: a)Meissner's or tactile corpuscles: light touch b)Lamellated corpuscles: deep pressure & vibration
Layers of the dermis: superficial to deep
1)Papillary: dermal papillae, Meissner's corpuscles, epidermal ridges (fingerprints for friction). 2. Retcular layer: 80% of thickness; lamellated corpuscles, elastic & collagen fibers woven together to bind dermis to sub Q & epidermis a)cleavage lines--collagen arranged: areas of typical stress b)flexure lines--extra skin for joints
Homeostatic imbalances of the Dermis
Striae:strectch marks Wrinkles: loss of collagen & elastin with age UV hornmones Blisters: separation of dermis & epidermis & interstitial fluid or blood fills gap Dermatitis: inflammation of skin, primarily papillary layer
Subcutaneous/Hypodermis layer
NOT PART OF SKIN stabilizes skin very elastic fat cushion no major organs & only some blood vessels--good for shots!
Melanin is produced by...
melanocytes, which then go into the keratinocytes via melanosomes
Racial differences in melanin production
NOT DUE TO # OF MELANOCYTES due to: size of melanosome where it enters keratinoctye type of pigment
Effect of UV light on melanin
stimulates melanocytes & creates darkening for PROTECTION
yel to org pigment collects in corneum most observable in lt. skinned
blood pigment when oxygenated is red; blushing, exertion
bluish tint due to poorly oxygenated blood. Respiratory disorders or COPD
reduced color: lack of blood flow to area
liver cannot excrete bile, so bilorubin collects in skin & schlera of eyes UV light can break down bilorubin in babies
Addison's disease or tumors of pituitary gland Excess stimulation of melanocytes
Accessory structures of the skin
Hair & hair follicles Sweat glands Sebaceous glands Nails
Hair & hair follicles--Function
Sensory Protection Filters
Structure of a follicle
Embedded in dermis Produced by epidermal tissue Outer layer: epidermal sheath Inner layer: connective tissue from dermis Hair bulb: papilla & matrix Arrector pilli muscle Root hair plexus
Type of hair
Vellus: peach fuzz Terminal: heavy deeply pigmented hairs: Hormones can change hair types
Club hair
hair being pushed out of follicle: no longer growing
Hair thinning & baldness
Alopecia: coarse to vellus: hair stops Male pattern baldness is genetic Changes in circulating hormones Other: fever,surgery, emotional trauma, protein deficiency, lactating
Hair color is...
...produced by melanocytes. When there is less production, we go grey
Sweat glands
Merocrine or eccrine Apocrine Mammary glands Ceruminous
Merocrine or eccrine
excretes thru pore palms soles & forehead sensible perspiration secretion is 99% water with solutes of salt, antibodies, lactic acid & waste: acidic Func: Thermoregulation/evaporation hot: you sweat from top down
Apocrine sweat glands
excrete from hair follicle armpits & groin sticky cloudy secretion with fatty materials in it which bacteria eat hence odor Func: sexual??
Mammary glands
modified apocrine gland got milk?
Ceruminous glands
Sebaceous glands & follicles
Everywhere but palms & soles produce sebum, which softens skin & hair, prevents water loss, bacteriocidal Glands release sebum into hair follicle Seb. follicles into skin: face, chest,upper back
Homeostatic imbalance of sebaceous glands...
Cradle cap Dandruff
Nails are a modified stratum corneum with these parts Nail bed/nail body/nail root Lunula Eponychium--cuticle
Functions of Integumentary system
Sensation Protection Thermoregulation Vitamin D3 synthesis Excretion Storage of Lipids
Homeostatic Imbalance: Injuries to Skin
Stem cells cause regeneration a)Germinative cells from basale to replace lost epidermis b)Mesenchymal cells replace lost dermal cells Small area vs. abrasion
Four stages of skin regeneration
Bleeding occurs: Mast cells intiate immune response Scab forms: temporary protection; stratum germ. makes new epi; macrophages clean up; fibroblasts & mesenchymal cells make new dermis Replacing the clot: deep portions dissolve & fibroblasts disintegrating New dermis: scar: new collagen; no sweat, hair or nerves replaced Keloid: excess new dermis

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