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Anatomy-Skull Diagrams


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supraorbital foramen
access for blood vessels and nerve
sagital suture
separates right and left parietal
coronal suture
separates front and back of skull
foramen magnum
opening for spinal chord
occipital condyles
joins with the atlas (1st cervical vertebra)
external auditory meatus
opening for ear canal
mandibular fossae
depression part of temporal mandibular joints (TMJ)
mastoid process
attachment for neck muscle
styloid process
attachment for ligaments to hyoid bone
zygomatic process
forms cheek
sella turcica
pocket for pituitary gland
cribriform plates
olfactory receptors pass through holes
perpendicular plate
superior half of nasal septum
superior nasal concha
covered with mucus membranes to moisten and warm air
middle nasal concha
covered with mucus membranes to moisten and warm air
crista galli
brain membrane anchor here cocks comb
palatine process
forms hard palate; if doesn't close you have cleft palate
alveolar arch
teeth sockets
temporal process
helps form zygomatic arch
zygomatic arch
big cheekbone
lacrimal bones
tear ducts
nasal bones
bridge of nose
vomer bone
bottom 1/2 of nasal septum
inferior nasal conchae
covered with mucus membrane, develops itself
mandible condyle
lower jaw
coronoid process
forms TMJ with mandibular fossa (depression) muscle attachment (chewing)
mental foramen
hole for blood and nerves

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