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Social Studies- Chapter 4 Vocabulary


undefined, object
copy deck
middle passage
to shipping of enslaved africans to the west indies
treaty of prais
treaty that ended the war
alnay plan of union
first plan to unite colonies
triangular trade
a trade route that exchanged goods between the west indies the american colonies and west africa
great awakening
a religious revival in the colonies which led to the formation of new churches
slave codes
strict rules governing the behavior and punishment of enslaved africans
iroquios confederacy
league of five indian nations based on new york
subsistence farming
generally produced just enough to meet the needs of their families with little left over to sell or exchange
cash crop
crops that could be sold easily in markets in the colonies and overseas
pontiacs war
rebellion lad by chief pontiac against the settlers along the pa and va frontiern in attempt to defeat the british
this movvement spread knowledge, reson and science that could improve the society
navigation acts
laws passed by england to control colonial trade

Deck Info

