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George Grenville
british prime minister who decided the colonists should help with the tax burden because they gained the most from the war
Boston Massacre
night of march 5, 1770, crowd gathered outside of boston customs house, shouted insults at the redcoats who guarded the building, lobsterbacks, began to throw snowballs, oystershells, and chunks of ice at soldiers, crowd grew larger and roudier, soldiers fired into crowd and 5 ppl were dead/dying. sam adams wrote 2 others about shooting which he called boston massacre, soldiers arrested & tried in court defended by j. adams-wanted soldiers to get fair trial. ARgument: soldiers provoked by colonists Result-soldiers recieved light sentences
first continental congress
september 1774-12 delegates me t in Phillie to discuss the intolerable acts only georgia did not send delegates
events leading up to lexington
shot heard round the world, thomas gage learned that mm had large store of arms in concord, planned surprise march to concord to sieze arms (about 700 troops). sons of liberty were watching, signaled to the messengers who saw the signal and rode to concord. 70 mm were waiting on the bridge and colonists left.
in concord, the troops found no arms so they went on to lexington, but fighting broke out and the redcoats lost 73 men and 200 were missing
claimed taxes were unjust, insisted only they or their elected reps had the right to pass taxes, parliament had no right ot tax them since they didnt elect reps, and they were willing to pay taxes only if their colonial legislatures passed them.
Townshed Acts
taxed goods such as glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea. taxes were low but colonists still objected
Pontiac's War
british/colonial troops attacked back at pontiac for capturing british forts
Tea Act
passed by parliament in 1773 to help the east india co, let company sell directly to colonists, the price would be the lowest ever-there would still be a tax though
British east india comany
brought tea to the colonies , company-merchants-colonists
What were the taxes Grenville wanted passed?
1. sugar act:(1764) tax on molasses 2. stamp act(1765)- tax on all legal documents such as wills, diplomas, & marriage papers. Also taxed newspapers, almanacs, playing cards, and dice. all items had to carry a stamp to show tax was paid.
Proclamation of 1763
drew an imaginary line at the base of the Appalachain mts. Colonists were forbidden to settle west of the line. Settlers already west had to remove themselves at once. british sent 10,000 troops to the colonies to enforce the law but few went and in the end, the proclamation was ignored
Intolerable Acts
1774-parliament acted to punish MA1.shut down port of boston-no ship could enter or leave harbor til tea was paid 2. colonists could not habe more than 1 town meeting a year without gvnrs permission 3. customs officers and other officials charged of a major crime to be tried in britain-no evidence 4. new quartering act- soldiers would no longer camp in tents-citizens had to house them
An Ottowa chief who the Native Americans turned to as a leader, spoke out against the british, led an attack on british troops at fort detroit, in a few months captured most british forts on the frontier
Boston Tea Partay!
thursday december 16, 1773, tea ships were anchored in boston harbor at griffins wharf refusing to unload the tea due to taxes, ships were not allowed to leave by order of gvnr thomas hutchinson til taxes were paid, 50-60 ppl were dressed as mohawk indians, boarded the tea ships, split open chests and dumped tea into harbor, by 10pm job was done
Quartering Act
colonists had to provide housing, candles, bedding, beverages to the british troops stationed in the colonies

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