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Hesp311: External Ear Pathologies


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What are 7 types of general External Ear Pathologies?
Congenital malformations, infections, allergic reaction, trauma, cysts, tumors, impacted cerumen.
Discharge from the ear
Pain in the ear
Torn wound
Localized collection of blood.
Presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in intercellular tissue spaces. Swelling.
Redness of skin produced by congestion of capillaries.
Failure to develop
Abnormally small (ear)
Absence of a normal opening or failure of a structure to be tubular.
Abnormal narrowing
Congenital auricular aplasia
Lack of development of the pinna
Congenital auricular microtia
Incomplete development of the pinna. May or may not have atretic canal.
Congenital atresia
Incomplete development of the ear canal.
What are some treatment options for congenital atresia, congenital auricular aplasia and congenital auricular microtia?
Restorative/cosmetic surgery, amplification through a BAHA.
Otitis externa is also known as:
"Swimmers' ear"
Otitis externa's objective symptoms include:
Edema and erythema of EAC skin, tenderness of tragus, possibly foul-smelling secretions.
Otitis externa's subjective symptoms include:
Pruritus, otalgia, aural fullness, hearing loss.
Treatment of otitis externa:
Cleaning EAC, topical antibiotics, ear wick in severe cases and analgesics. May require oral antibiotics.
Mycotic external otitis(otomycosis):
Yeast or fungal infection that invades ear canal.
Mycotic external otitis' symptoms may include:
Itching followed by pain, flaky, greenish appearance.
Mycotic external otitis may be treated with:
Acidified ear drops, frequent removal of all debris.
Mycotic external otitis may be caused by:
Poor hygene, tropical regions.
Herpes zoster oticus
Viral infection of the external ear
Herpes zoster oticus can cause:
Severe otalgia, SNHL, tinnitus if it invades the inner ear.
Herpes Zoster oticus is also known as Ramsay Hunt Syndrome when:
it is coupled with facial palsy.
Herpes zoster oticus can be treated with:
viral agents
Infection of skin that covers cartilage.
Perichondritis can be caused by:
The bacteria pseudomonas aeruginosa
Perichondritis can cause major damage if:
it progresses to chondritis (infection of cartilage)
Perichondritis' symptoms include:
Red, painful ear, possibly otorrhea in severe cases.
Perichondritis is treated with:
Oral or IV antibiotics.
Contact dermatitis
Skin reaction resulting from exposure to allergens or irritants
Contact dermatitis' symptoms include:
Red rash, itching, welts on skin.
Contact dermatitis may be caused by:
Chemical, physical, or allergic irritants
Contact dermatitis is treated with:
corticosteroids and antihistamines, as well as home care therapies.
Contact dermatitis should be considered when performing what process?
Making ear molds, as the material used to do so may cause an allergic reaction.
Persistent dryness of the skin/rashes.
Eczema can be treated with:
Moisturizers, skin cleansers, corticosteroids, antibiotics, light therapies, and diet/lifestyle changes.
Burns on the ear can typically be treated like burns on any part of the body, but special care must be taken to prevent:
Closure of the ear canal in cases of severe burn.
What is stenting used for?
It prevents closure of the ear canal in cases of severe burns.
Laceration of the pinna or EAC must be treated carefully to prevent:
necrotizing (malignant) external otitis.
Necrotizing external otitis may:
spread to the cartilage or bone.
Which group of people should be treated delicately to prevent any laceration in the EAC?
Elderly diabetics.
Neoplasms are:
New and abnormal growth of skin
Neoplasms can occur:
On the pinna or in the ear canal.
Examples of benign neoplasms are:
Cysts, keloids, etc
Examples of malignant neoplasms are:
Squamous-cell carcinoma, etc
Foreign bodies in the ear canal can generally be removed by:
irrigation, forceps, suction, etc
Insects in the ear canal must be treated in what way?
They must be paralyzed prior to removal
Hematoma is:
accumulation of blood between perichondrium and cartilage
Untreated hematoma can lead to:
Cauliflower ear.
To remove foreign bodies from the EAC, small children may need:
local anesthesia.
Sebaceous cysts arise from:
blocked sebaceous glands or swollen hair follicles.
The main sign of a sebaceous cyst is:
A closed sac underneath the skin filled with fatty, white, semi-solid material called sebum.
Cysts may be cured with:
Heat therapies, surgical excision.
Exostosis is:
benign tumor, bony growth in EAC.
Exostosis may be induced by:
Cold water, scratching EAC
Exostosis cures include:
Surgical removal, especially when they present problems like blocking the EAC, secondary cause of external otitis
Preauricular cysts and preauricular fistulas are:
congenital malformations of the preauricular soft tissues.
Preauricular cysts and preauricular fistulas may:
fill with sebaceous material and become infected.
Preauricular cysts and preauricular fistulas do not contribute to any major pathology, but:
they may indicate other congenital abnormalities.
"Tags" are:
Epithelial mounds of pedunculated skin arise near the front of the ear around the tragus.
The general internal structure of tags:
No bony, cartilaginous or cystic components, and do not communicate to the ear canal or middle ear.
Squamous cell carcinoma:
Second most common form of skin cancer.
The cause of squamous cell carcinoma is:
overexposure to the sun.
Symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma are:
Thickening of skin in EAC, usually developing into a thick, rough ulcer. Usually not painful.
True or False: Squamous cell carcinoma may metastasize.
True! It can spread to the middle and inner ear structures, the mastoid process and even the brain.
Squamous cell carcinoma occurs in what layer of the epithelium?
The top layer.
Keloids are:
Overgrowth of collagen in scar tissue.
Keloids are typically caused by:
Ear piercings or other trauma to the ear.
True or False: Surgical excision is an acceptable cure for keloids?
Totally fucking false; surgical excision will likely exacerbate the condition.
Basal cell carcinoma is:
The most common form of skin cancer.
Basal cell carcinoma arises in:
The deepest layer of the epidermis (basal cell region) and the outer layer of skin.
Basal cell carcinoma may manifest as:
An open sore, red patch resembling eczema, shiny bump, pink growth or scar-like area.
Basal cell carcinoma may spread to:
bone and cartilage.
Osteosarcoma is:
Malignant growth of bone, bone cancer.
Osteosarcoma affects:
bone of the EAC's medial portion/mastoid region.
Osteosarcoma is more common in:
children and infants.
True or False: Osteosarcoma is very painful
False; it is usually painless so it can spread undetected.
Sarcoma tumors arise from:
mesechymymal tissue involved in fibrous tissue, muscle, bone, fat.

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