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- What crop does Illinois produce more of than any other state?
- Soybeans
- Illinois State Mineral
- Fluorite
- What is the nickname for the state of Illinois?
- Prairie State
- Illinois State Fish
- Bluegill
- Most early Illinois settlers (especially the French) made their living as...?
- Fur trappers
- Illinois State Soil
- Drummer Silty Clay Loam
- State flower of Illinois
- Violet
- Illinois State Bird
- Cardinal
- This city is considered the heart of the state. It has been immortalized by the phrase, "How did it play in _________?"
- Peoria
- Indian life ended in the state of Illinois with the defeat of this Cheif
- Black Hawk
- What is the American Indian name for the Indian tribe meaning "superior men?"
- Illiniwek
- From what country were the early settlers Joliet, Marquette, du LaSalle from?
- France
- Illinois State Fossil
- Tully Monster
- Illinois State Animal
- White Tailed Deer
- Why is Illinois so flat?
- Glaciers
- The land of Illinois has been under three national flags. Name all three flags.
U.S.A. - What city in the State of Illinois was nearly destroyed by a great fire?
- Chicago
- Name the three capitals for the State of Illinois in order
- Kaskaskia, Vandalia, Springfield
- Illinois State Slogan
- Land of Lincoln
- Illinois State Insect
- Monarch Butterfly
- Illinois State Tree
- White Oak
- State Prairie Grass
Big Bluestem
(turkey foot) - State dance of Illinois
- Square dance
- Do most Illinoisans live in rural or urban areas?
- Urban
- What is Illinois most important natural resource?
- Fertile soil
- What happened at the last minute in 1818 to change the future of Illinois
- The northern boundary of the state was moved north allowing Chicago to be a part of the state of Illinois.
- Because of one very important crop which is grown in Illinois it is considered part of the . . .?
- Corn Belt