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Child Psychology Chapter 2


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First trimester
Everything fully formed, most crucial to avoid teratogens, worst morning sickness (worse of mom's stomach empty)
Organ mom keeps recreating, more births lowers ability to create, baby and moms blood never mingle but share nutrients and waste so some things cross barriar, bad one is top reason for babies born early
Freud's Psychosexual Stages
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital, Each stage holds its own conflict and how people resolve determines personality
Third Trimester
Baby puts on fat, brain continues to develop, frontal lobe develops 25 weeks, hemroids and heartburn, tell if babys awake (walking motion in day rocks them to sleep), advantage of getting big in utero is getting into natural fetal position,
Should be done at about 10 days, half all zygotes don't implant
Post Pregnancy
Take 4-6 months to get back to pre-baby weight
Information Processing Theory
Step by step activation of various parts of the brain
Explain only a part of development
Second Trimester
Get all details, may feel best, feel baby move, baby covered in lanugo, begins sucking thumb, end of trimester baby can live
Cognitive Therapy
Structure and development of thought processes, profoundly affects our attitudes
Social Learning Theory
Learn from observing others without linking one stimulus with another and without personally experiencing reinforcement
Developmental Theory
Systematic statement of principles and generalizations that provides a coherent framework for understanding how and why people change as they grow older
People observe behavior and then copy it, most likely when model is powerful, admired
Environment and Gene Interactions
Epigenetic effects seen in lower animals, shape of animals face genetic but environment causes development of abnormal facial features,
John B. Watson, study the actual behavior objectively and scientifically (learning theory), development occurs in small increments
ADHD, usually boys with close relatives having it, overactive in every context, calm down with stimulants, plausible environmental causes, no biological test can find it
Psychoanalytic theory
Deals with inner drives and motives, foundation for stages of development
Fetal Stage
Everything fully formed (not functional), genetalia not fully developed till end of pregnancy, split into three trimesters
Jean Piaget
Original cognitive theorist, made first IQ test, developed central thesis of cognitive therapy: how children think changes with time and experience and thoughts affect behavior
Reaction Range
Genetic continuum on which environment factors will place your characteristics
Theory that genes determine everything
Origins in childhood (Freud), Learned sexual behavior (behaviorists), People's thoughts and ideas determine their actions (cognitive), Cultures determine the prevalence of disorders (sociocultural)
Responses become linked to particular stimuli,
Grand Theories
Describe universal processes
Four stages of Cognitive development
Sensorimotor Period, preoperational period, concrete period, formal operational period
Erickson's Eight Developmental Stages
Each hold a developmental crisis, first five related to freuds, emphasize people's relationships to family and culture, resolution of crisis depends on interaction between individual and social environment
Cognitive Equilibrium
State of mental balance, intellectual advancement caused by quest for it
Sociocultural Theory
Human development results from dynamic interaction between developing persons and their surrounding society, responses to stress shaped by culture
Testicular Feminization, XY
In utero no testosterone released, phenotypically look girl, large breasts , broad shoulders, no periods, no ovaries
New experiences are reinterpreted to fit into old ideas
Old ideas restructured to include new experiences, harder than assimilation, may not fit into existing cognitive structures
Apprenticeship in thinking
Process by which novices develop cognitive competencies, work with skilled members of society, implicit goal to provide instruction to aquire knowledge their culture values
Operant Conditioning
Controlling conscious choices with reinforcement, test is the effect of the consequence on future behavior
Prenatal Developmental stages
Germinal Zygote, Embryonic Embryo, Fetal Fetus
Zone of Proximal development
Skills, knowledge and concepts learner is close to aquiring but cannot master without help, must avoid boredom and failure (challenge them without being impossible)
Baby may get if born late, tendency to retain water, signal if mom has hypertension or swelled legs, babys hard to deliver and may have upper respiratory problems, will induce if two weeks late
Selective Adaptation
Genes become more common among the population if they increase chances of survival and reproduction, occurs for all living creatures but more prevalent in non-humans
Germinal stage
Imlplantation, 14 days placenta develops (free from teratogens till this)
Embryonic Stage
Placenta completes development, Week 3 neural tube develops, growth rapid and orderly (cephalocaudal and proximodistal), Week 4 heart begins to beat, 5 limbs start to form, 8 have all major organs, 10 genetalia develop
Self Efficacy
Belief that one succeeds because of one's own ability, high aspirations and achievements,
Guided Participation
Central to sociocultural theory, assumes neither student nor teacher is passeve and learn from each other
Epigenetic Theory
Genes interact with the environment to allow development in dynamic and reciprocal interaction, development builds on genes but is not determined by them
Emergent Theories
May become new systematic and comprehensive theories of the future
Must be individualized, active, follows the same general pattern: mentors urge a new level of competence, learners ask questions, progress, guide and inspire the mentors

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