Home work questions
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- what was king yous mistake?
- he lit the warning fires
- during the qing why were chinese men forced to wear a queue?
- -sothe Manchu & chinese could be told apart -showed that the manchu were superior th the chinese
- What wass the signifigance of the grand canal?
- make better irrigation
- explain the welfare system of the song
- the govrnment built hospitals,and orphanages and gave food &money in times of need
- Who were the Juren?
- people who passed the imperial exam in the civil service system -but doesnt quite get a job in the civil cervice system
- How did the corrupt Qing govrnment hurt the peasents?
- -land owners had to pay more taxesand rather than paying the taxes themselves they had the peasents pay them -govrnment officials were the onley money makers
- why did sailing expeditions stop in the 1400s?
- -stopped caring -against Confucian belief -more interested in resources for the defense
- What was chinas first history book?
- the book of documents
- What evidence proves that kublai khan was open to diffrent religion?
- -respected confucian ceremonys -built confucian temple -mother was christian -favorite wife was buddhist -tibeten land for buddhist temples & monastarys -muslims could practice there religions -doaism was popular
- What was the fate of emporer Chongzen and his family?
- -sons fled -empress & empress dowager commited suicide -Chong zhen killed his daughters -hung himself
- How did Wei Zhongxian a eunuch becom the dictator of china?
- - he became dictator of china because emporer tanqui didnt want to rule he was to much into carpentry
- whay factors led to the fall of the yuan dynasty?
- - people resented kublai for letting foreiners into the govrnment -people resented kublai for giving merchants power-weak rulers -military leaders fought for power -huang he flooded- resented harsh treatment -resented high taxes -rebellions started
- How did Ming rulers get soldeirs to the fronteir?
- soldeirs were given free land
- Who led the campeign through eastern europe?
- Batu led the campeign
- What measures did kublai khan take to get food for his growing capitol?
- he expanded the great canal
- How did the song keep the mongols at bay for a short period of time?
- -water ways and rice patties -the song had forts & armed soldiers -gunpowder missles
- Why did Emporer jintai become emporer when emporer zheng tong was still alive?
- - emporer zheng tong had been kidnapped by the mongols because the mongols wanted randsome
- How did the mongol rule aid trade along the silk route?
- mongols protected
- Who were the Jinshi?
- -people who passed the highest exam - gaurenteed a job in the govrnment
- how many ships were in Zheng hes fleet?
- 62 treasure ships +225 warships =287 ships
- how were the people who took the civil servive exam prevented from cheating?
- - searched before the test -given numbers -gaurds watched test takers -scribes copied over hand writing
- How did yelu chucai save thousands of lives?
- ogodei wass about to save lives in the Jin territory, so yelu sugested taxing every one insted of killing them
- What sorts of goods were brought back from China?
- -gold -silver -pearls -Rhino horns -incense -Medicinal herbs -spices -and once a giraffe
- Why did Temuji become a cheifton at such a young age?
- - because his father had died so he had to go home to be man of the family
- What dynasty did the Jurchen establish?
- the Jin
- what philosophy best representshan rule?
- confucianism
- Breifly esplain Gengeshes messenger system.
- He had a organised line of riders who would ride from one stration to the next taking messeges with them
- Explain how Chinese society was classified under the ming dynasty.
- -scholar officials:government officials -Peasants: food & taxes-Artisans: made stuff -merchants: Parasites "made money from others work"
- what helped expand literacy during the han dynasty?
- the invention of paper
- how did the sui fall?
- taxes, labor,weak govrnment, attack of the turks
- How large was temujins army?
- 95,000 warriors
- how did Kublai khan show respect to the chinese and there culture?
- -he created the yaun dynasty -let chinese rule themselves with mongol overseers -wore chinese robes -welcomed chinese music & dance paid chinese scholars to translate chinese history in mongol language -confucian scholars didnt have to pay taxes -built confucian temples
- list the reasons the ming fell.
- -eunchs had to much control -govrnment coulnt agree -the govrnment spent more money than it revieved in taxes
- explain how the new tax system caused hardships for the peasents?
- The peasents got taxed on there land and if they couldnt pay there taxes they became tenant farmers
- How did emporer Kongxi of the qing dynasty resemble Wu di of the Han?
- - Kongxi valued the confucian classics( wu di founded the imperial acadamy for confucian study)
- Why was emporer Xuande regarded as humane?
- -was against capitol punishment -didnt belive people should be put in jail for owing debt
- under tang rule who advised the emporer?
- `- secratariat -chanclery
- How did song rulers keep peace with the Khitan?
- by paying them silver
- what was the main porpose of theese voyages to foreingn country uner ming?
- establishing ties with forein govrnments
- what was sima queens gratest accomplishment?
- -wrote the first china history book
- how many ships were in Zheng hes fleet?
- 26,800 sailors + 70 eunuchs +180 mediacs +5 astrolagers
- how many yaers between han and tang?
- 400
- did the han beleive in a form of meritocracy?
- yes because they had a civil service system
- why was jade burryed with dead?
- its supposed to bring them good afterlifes
- What lands did gengesh conquer?
- -Manchuria -korea -north china -central asia -parts of russia
- Why did Nurachi seperate banners during miltary capeigns ?
- - tried to start feeling of national spirit -banners wouldnt come together to overthrow nurachi
- who were the literi?
- the literature scholar officials
- what is the suis greatest acheivment?
- finished grand canal
- what was the most important advancmet during the zhou?
- iron