History Exam Review
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- battle of midway
- stopped japanese expansion for first time in WWII
- germany
- second continental european country to industrialize
- during the depression
- germans looked towards hitler for leadership when?
- cuban
- U.S. fought for ? independence in spain during the spanish american war
- boxer rebellion
- chinese frustration with the govt. and foreigner privelege led to..
- lenin
- led bolsheviks
- ireland
- experienced the Great Famine
- thailand
- only southeast asian country to remain independent of colonial control
- final solution
- hitler used concentration camps and killing squads to kill off jews
- triple alliance
- alliance between italy, germany, and austria-hungary
- treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
- treaty mainly issued by the U.S. to end the Mexican american war and provided for the Mexican cession
- late 1800s
- time period when europeans were finally able to start dominating african lands
- allies
- won WWI
- england
- first country in the world to industrialize
- constitutional monarchy
- kind of govt. established in britain in late 1600s
- 1833 and 1865
- england abolished slavery; U.S. abolished slavery
- britain and germany
- 2 most powerful countries in europe by 1871
- austria
- german third reich's first target toward expansion
- protestant and catholic
- religions of british and irish
- russia
- country still had a feudalistic society by the 1800s
- during the war of 1812
- the U.S. first started using its own resources to develop independent industries
- britain
- did not use direct control over its colonies
- taiping
- 14 year rebellion that showed people's discontent with the qing govt
- communism
- the soviets wanted ? after ww2 (government)
- september 1, 1939
- date of germany's attack on poland
- south
- agricultural during the civil war
- pearl harbor
- japanese attack on the u.s. that drew us into the war
- june 6, 1944
- date of d-day
- hiroshima and nagasaki
- where atomic bombs were dropped
- 1914-1918
- WWI span
- decreasing demand for goods, overproduction, uneven distribution of wealth
- 3 weaknesses of the U.S. economy in the 1920s
- mid 1800s
- industry started to develop slowly in continental europe
- conservatives, radicals, and liberals
- 3 forces that struggled for power in European nations in the early 1800s
- sphere of influence
- area which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading priveleges
- qing
- name of chinese dynasty during 1800s
- agricultural
- chinas way of life
- economy
- stalin launched 5 year plans to help the ?
- agricultural
- revolution ushered in by stalin
- bolivar and san martin
- 2 generals that led the fight for independence from spanish control in south america
- african rivalries, steam engine, superior weapons
- 3 factors that allowed europeans to dominate africa
- Britain
- country that took control of most of South Africa by defeating the Boers and the zulus
- eisenhower
- led d-day invasion
- romanticism and realism
- 2 artistic and intellectual movements that swept through europe in the 1800s
- germany's attack on poland
- started WWII
- gandi
- led india
- lend lease act
- gave aid to britian from the u.s.
- facism
- govt. millions of europeans turned to after they lost faith in democracy
- russia and germany
- 2 countries not represented at the peace conference
- burma, malaysia, singapore
- 3 british colonies in southeast asia
- bismarck
- german ruler that initiated the forming of the triple alliance
- expanding economy, natural resources, and politically stable
- 3 main factors that allowed england to become the first industrial nation
- agricultural
- what revolution took place in england in the 1700s?
- railroads
- growth of ? fueled the technological and industrial boom that took place in the U.S. during the late 1800s
- december 7, 1941
- date of pearl harbor
- britain
- country that used indirect control over colonies
- greeks
- first europeans to win self rule during early 1800s
- berlin conference
- name of meeting that divided africa among european nations
- rhineland
- forbidden land hitler entered between france and germany
- fidel castro
- led a successful communist revolution in cuba
- africa
- where mussolini wanted to build a colonial empire
- peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, mulattos, indians/african americans
- 5 groups in latin american society from top to bottom
- emperor
- japan's new monarchy seriously reduced the power of the ?
- parliament
- held most power in Britain's constitutional monarchy
- battle of coral sea
- turning point in pacific war
- austria
- country controlled northern italy before it was unified
- wealthy middle class
- group of people that Reform bill of 1932 extended voting rights to in Britain
- nuremberg trials
- trials for nazi war criminals
- Alexander II
- russian czar that finally freed the serfs in 1861
- north africa
- where allies attack first, to the dismay of stalin
- japan
- invaded china and caused china to come together and fight them
- colony
- country or region that is governed internally by a foreign power
- Victoria
- during this queens reign the British monarch lost all its power
- north
- industrial during the civil war
- ethiopia
- only african nation to remain free of european dominance
- italy
- germany's allie
- sphere of influence
- how japan and other countries established dominance in china
- india
- britain's most valuble colony
- salt march
- movement led by gandi that gained support for India's cause
- russia
- country germany signed a treaty with seperate of the triple alliance
- belgium
- country germany invaded in order to get to france
- ottoman
- empire located in the balkans
- northern ireland
- became a part of the Bristish empire
- reconstruction
- period after civil war when south was rebuilt
- sun yixian
- overthrew the last member of the qing dynasty and became president of the new republic of china
- to save the union
- Lincoln's initial intention for fighting the C War
- russia
- country that came to serbias aid
- socialism
- economic system that promotes general welfare and govt. intervention
- nature
- instead of focusing on society like the enlightenment, romantics looked at ?
- june 22, 1940
- france surrenders
- Balkans
- where germany attacked in preparation for his attack on the soviet union
- wilberforce
- reformer that fought to abolish slavery in england
- peninsulares and creoles
- 2 groups controlled wealth and power in latin america
- axis powers
- germany, italy, japan
- france
- imposed their culture on the indochinese
- britain
- country that entered the war once germany invaded belgium
- japan
- seized manchuria and invaded china
- open door policy
- policy that assured trading rights and prevented chinese colonization that was promoted by the U.S.
- nationalists
- believe in uniting people who share a common history and culture
- nationalists and communists
- two groups fighting a civil war in china
- U.S.
- world economy depended on?
- emancipation proclomation
- freed the slaves in the confederate states
- sudetenland
- northern czechoslavakia that hitler took
- egypt
- country the suez canal is located in
- italy and germany
- 2 countries nationalism helped unite
- 1898
- hawaii annexed
- state and its leader
- fascists pledged loyalty to ? and ?
- france
- country germany wished to isolate b/c they feared revenge from them
- creoles
- class led the fight for independence throughout most of Latin America
- military dictators
- new latin american nations controlled by?
- economic imperialism
- independent but less developed nation that is controlled by private business interests rather than by other govts.
- vietnam
- U.S. tried to prevent a communist takeover ? (where) but failed
- karl marx
- person who's views led the growth of revolutionary movement
- after the civil war
- the U.S. shifted from an agricultural society to more of a technological and industrial society
- emotion
- key element of Romanticism
- province for protestant british and catholic french
- parliaments solution for the conflicts that British and French settlers were having in canada
- bolsheviks
- won the civil war and established communism
- trade
- latin america focused on ? rather than industrializing
- constitutional monarchy
- govt. set up in japan after the war
- japanese attack on manchuria
- first direct challenge to the league of nations
- mao zedong
- defeated nationalists and established communism in china after WWII
- battle of britain
- battle from may 1940- august 1941 where hitler called off attacks and allies learned that hitler's attacks can be blocked
- germany and the soviet union
- signed non-aggressoin pact
- macarthur
- general that helped japanese govt. after the war
- protectorate
- country of territory with its own internal govt. but under the control of an outside power
- democracy
- the u.s. wanted ? after ww2 (government)
- southern united states
- england got majority of its cotton in the 1790s
- versailles
- peace conference held where
- democratic
- type of govt. set up during WWII but proved to be weak
- march revolution
- ended czarist rule
- ottoman, austrian, and russian czarist empires
- 3 empires that nationalistic feelings tore apart by the end of WWI
- bolsheviks
- overthrew the provisional govt. which sparked a civil war in russia
- 13th
- amendment abolished slavery in the United States
- French and Indian War
- after this, britain took control of canada
- brought progress to the woman's suffrage movement in the early 1900s
- baltic states, eastern poland, and finland
- countries soviet union invaded as part of their pact with germany
- zimmerman telegram
- finally forced the U.S. into WWI
- capitalism
- economic policy of allowing owners of business to set working conditions without interference
- russification
- name of the policy in which Russian czars imposed Russian culture on all ethnic groups of the empire
- santa anna
- leader that dominated mexican political life during the time that the U.S. received alot of mexican land
- belgium
- the first continental european country to industrialize
- lincoln was elected president
- when southern states began seceding from the union
- Commons and Proper
- two house that made up parliament
- russia and france
- 2 countries that germany first declared war on
- stalin
- gained total control of the communist party by 1928
- austria-hungary on serbia
- first declaration of WWI
- wars and unrest
- 2 main reasons why the growth of industry was delayed in continental europe
- nazism
- german brand of fascism
- chinas
- whose civil war resumed after WWII
- haiti
- first latin american colony to win its independence from europe in 1804
- germans
- arranged lenin's return to russia
- triple entente
- aliiance between france, russia, and britain
- cold war
- u.s. and russia faced of in this war after WWII