history chapter 14
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- "universal ruler"
- Genghis Khan means
- shamanism
- belief that spirtits inhabit living and nonliving things, communicating with humans through priests called shamans
- Helagu
- Mongol commander who captured Baghdad and enslaved its inhabitants
- Li Yuan
- establish the Tang dynasty, led peasant revolt
- Susanowo
- Japanese storm god
- Mamluks
- a Muslim military group that ruled Egypt, halted the Mongols
- Yamato
- first and only Japanese dynasty
- Yi dynasty
- Korean dynasty that opened schools and made neo-Confucianism the state doctrine, in Hanyang
- Lady Shikibu Murasaki
- wrote tale of the Genji
- Yoritomo Minamoto
- head of Minamoto family, gave title shogun
- Forbidden City
- Largest palace complex in the world, network of royal buildings that 1 million workers build in 14 years
- mandarins
- members of the elite class of civil servents in Chinese government
- Changan
- Tang capital
- Gaozong
- succeeded Tai Cong
- King Sejong
- one of the great Yi rulers, ordered bronze instruments to be used in measuring rain, and created simplified writing
- Yi-Sun-shin
- Korean Admiral who fought off Japanese invaders using "turtle ships"
- kami
- special clan spirit
- Bushido
- the way of the warrior
- grains, herded animals
- Mongol women raised ________ while men _______ _________
- kamikaze
- "divine wind"
- Silla
- this kingdom conquered all of Korea giving peace, prosperity and creativity
- Kublai Khan
- first great Mongol emperor of China, conquered Korea, part of Southeast Asia and attempted Japan twice, mixed Mongol and Chinses government and traditions
- meritocracy
- system where people gain success on the basis of ability and performance
- clan
- groups based on family ties
- Mongols
- dominant nomadic group in central Asia
- Tsuki-yumi
- Japanese moon god
- samurai
- class of landowning warriors in feudal Japan who pledged loyalty to a daimyo
- hangul
- Korean alphabet that uses 14 consanatns and 10 vowels for folktales and popular literatre
- shogunate
- government established by a shogun's family and followers in feudal Japan
- Duo Fu
- wrote poems on hardships of war, condemned court life,
- Tai Cong
- military genius of Tang dynasty, he restored a strong central government and expanded his large empire
- Han
- China controlled Korea during the _____ dynastu
- yasa
- Mongol law code of Genghis Khan
- Batu
- Mongol commander who conquered East Slavic lands
- khan
- absolute ruler
- yurts
- movable tents Mongols lived in
- Silla, Paekche, and Koguryo
- three kingdoms of Korea
- Xuanzang
- Empress Wu's grandson, emperor of China, and welcomed artists
- daimyo
- a powerful local noble in feudal Japan
- Tairo and Minamoto
- 2 families who fought for control of Japan
- Samarkand
- a wealthy trading center known for decorated mosques and tombs
- Temujin aka Genghis Khan
- Mongol leader who organized scattered clans under one government
- shinto
- religion practiced by Japanese, good for nature and living things
- Empress Wu
- wife of Gaozong, ruled the empire, expanded bureaucracy and strengthened Chinas military forces
- neo-Confucianisn
- confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism mixed
- Prince Shotoku
- Japanese leading court official who encouraged learning of Chinese culture, ordered construction of Buddhist monasteries and temples
- Hangzhou
- where the Song rulers set up their royal court
- shogun
- military ruler of feudal Japan
- Amaterasu
- Japanese sun goddess
- Zhao Kuangyin
- established the Song dynasty, military general
- Tripitaka Koreana
- the largest collection of Buddhist scripturesm has 81,258 wooden printing plates
- Seljuk Turks
- they formed settlemets and restored the Sunni caliphate, and gained control of the main trade routes between eastern Asia, the Middle East and Europe
- Timur Lenk
- Turkish-Mongol who spread Islam, united Turkish Mongols, and extended Turkish-Mongol rule over the Middle East
- Li Bo
- one of Chinas famour poets, wrote poems of Taoism, and died while drinking