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American History Exam


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separate church and state
why was Rhode Island founded
the willingness to let others practice their beliefs
Thomas Jefferson
author of the Declaration of Independence
what country lost all of their territory on the mainland of North America in the Treaty of 1763?
first European country to build an empire in the Americas
Great Awakening
religious movement of the 1700's
George Washington
bulit Fort Necessity during Frencha nd Indian War
Ohio River Valley
the French and Indian war broke out over claims of the
Pulaski, Kosciusko, von Steuben
men who trained colonial troops and helped with military defenses
conquered the Incas
Southern Colonies
had fertile soil and large plantations on which cash crops were grown (tobacco, rice, indigo)
Delaware River
where Washington crossed on Christmas night 1776 to capture Trenton
When were Connecticut and Rhode Island founded
James Ogelthorpe
founded Georgia as a home for debtors
Leif Erikson
first European to reach the Americas
Mayas, Aztecs, Incas
three main native American tribes
federal government
Federalists favored a strong _____?
What country lost Florida after the French and Indian War, but regained it after the Revolution
William Penn
founded Pennsylvania as a model for Christian living for Quakers and others
Middle Colonies
known as Breadbasket colonies
3/5 of the slaves in the population
What did the 3/5 compromise count?
Legislative Branch
passes laws
Virginia plan
what plan did the small states object to for fear of the larger states having too much power?
new government couldn't raise enough money, foreign nations didn't respect the U.S., couln't settle quarrels between states because of no laws and no single government
What were some problems with the Articles of Confederation?
What was the first country to sign a treaty with the U.S.
colonists who supported Revolutionand wanted independence
Roger Sherman
Who wrote the Great Compromise?
Boston Tea Party
when Sons of Libety dumped tea off British Ships to protest taxes
3,000 miles away from home, did not fight Indian style, risked attacks by colonists when they left cities into countryside
What were some British weaknesses in the Revolution?
Lafayette, de Grasse, de Rochambeau
frenchmen who helped Patriots in the Revolution
checks and balances (2)
The presidents power to make treaties with the consent of the senate is an example of
Francis Marion
swamp fox
the account of what has happened in the development of a people, a nation, or a civilization
Bunker Hill
first major battle of Revolution, fought outside Boston
Olive Branch petition, set up Continental Army, chose George Washington as commander
second continental congress
a person who leaves one's country to settle elsewhere
tobacco, rice, indigo
what were some cash crops grown in the south?
John Adams
defended British soldiers at Boston Massacre, signed Declaration of Independence,became 2nd president of the US
triangular trade
colonial trade route between new England, the West Indies, and Africa
Washington, fighting at home, on familar territory, reason to fight
What were some American strengths in the Revolution?
Paul Revere
colonist who took part in the midnight ride to warn of British movement to Concord
Jamestown, VA
first permanent English colony founded in 1607
Native Americans who used buffalo for food and shelter
Boston Massacre
when British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists and killed 5
benjamin Franklin
colonial scientist, ambassador for US
to approve
House of Burgesses
first representative assembly in the new world
a document giving certain rights to a person or company
electoral college
What are the Pres. and Vice Pres. chosen by?
Declaration of Independence
Where did the words the United States of America first appear?
limit the power of government
why was Connecticut founded
another name for Pizarro and Cortez
preamble, basic rights, wrongs committed by British, declaring independence
Parts of the Declaration:
nickname for merchants from New England who dominated colonial trade
Shay's Rebellion
What act showed that the Articles of Confederation were too weak?
due process
protection of citizens who are brought to trial is guaranteed by______
first college founded in the colonies
a person who works for no pay to learn a trade or craft
Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, Quartering Acts
restrictions placed on colonists by Parliament in 1770's
latitude & longitude
used to find the exact location of a place on a map
conquered the Aztecs
villaes that share common customs, languages, and rituals
repeal, nullify
to cancel
colonists who sided with the British
sons of liberty
colonists who organized protests, parades, etc.
many died, sparked an interest in trade, remained in the Middle East, new products and ideas
name the effects of the Crusades (4)
shutting off a port to keep supplies from moving in or out
Checks and Balances
What can prevent each branch from abusing powers, and gives each branch of government its own duties?
a group of people who settle in a distant land and are ruled by the government of their native land
Thomas Hooker
who founded Connecticut
the study of people, their resources, and their environments
volunteer soldiers

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