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English Mid-terms Literary Devices


undefined, object
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the mood or the feeling
an entire story that represents something else
lyric poetry
verse, usually brief that focusses on the emotions or thoughts of the speaker
ryme scheme
a way of identifying the pattern of rhymes in a poem using lower case letters
dramatic poem
presents one or more characters speaking usually to each other but sometimes to themselves or directly to the readther, many characteristice of a play (definite setting, dramatic situation, vigourous speech, natural language
something which maintains its own meaning while at the same time standing for something broader than itself
the use of clues to hint at events that will occur later in the plot
dramatic monologue
A type of poem in which a speaker addresses a silent listener. As readers, we overhear the speaker in a dramatic monologue.
the repitition of sounds, most often consonat sounds, at the begining of words. Alliteration gives emphasis to words.
persons animals natural forces or things represented as persons in literature
shakespearan sonnet
14 lines, 3 couatrains and 1 couplet, abab, cdcd, efef, gg, 3 quatrain present a problem, couplet is a soulition (english)
a relatively short poem originally mean for singing, folk or popular, traveled by word of mouth
literary ballads
written by known artist, tend to be more elaborate, writer is first established
a comparison of 2 unlike things without using "like" or "as", stronger than a similie
is a pattern of rhythms in a line of poetry
point of view
the point from which a story is told
dramatic irony
discrepancy between what the character knows, and what the reader knows to be true, when the reader knows something that the character doesn't
the speaker in the poem may be the poety, or a voice in the poem could be a fictional character, even an object
speeck that is flavored by the usages of particular regional social or cultural groups
literary work that mocks or ridicules the stupidity of individuals, groups, institutions or societys
series of events that make up a story
intricate 19 line poem, french, 6 stanza's only two rhymes allowed,
A writer's choice or words, phrases, sentence structures, and figurative language, which combine to help create meaning.
direct characterization
author tells reader something about a character using direct details
literal language
A form of language in which writers and speakers mean exactly what their words denote.
blank verse
poetry written in unrhymed iambic pantameter.
musical device that occurs when a word imitates a sound or suggests its meaning
authors choice of words, makes character more realistic
A long narrative poem that records the adventures of a hero. Epics typically chronicle the origins of a civilization and embody its central values
words/phrases tht use description to create pictures in the readers mind
Is the process of presenting the differnet aspects of character and personality of someone in a novel or short storyor any other narratove depiction of humen being.
lyric poetry
highly musical verse that expresses the emotions of a speaker
the end of the story
reaccuring use of a phrase an entire line or a stanza, popular in ballads story poems often meant to be sang
a type of lyric poem that expresses mourning, usually over death
poetic license
the freedom to change words or even invent new words, creat new meaning , change things freely
iambic pentameter
a pattern of 5 groups of stressed un stresseed syllables
iambic pentameter
A metrical pattern in poetry which consists of five iambic feet per line. (an iamb, or iambic foot, consists of one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.)
The emotions and feelings that surround a word; they may be negative, neutral, or positive, depending on their content, the deeper meaning
refers to any regularly reaccurent flopw of motion or sound, natural rise and fall or words
dramatic monolouge
a speacial kin of dramatic poem . one character speaks to one or more other characters whos replies are not given
exaggeration of effect
figurative language
Writing or speech that is used to create vivid impressions by setting up comparisons between dissimilar things, [examples are metaphor, simile, and personification.
hints given by the author that something was going to happen, important to plot development
blank verse
unrhymes iambic pentameter
3 line poem, 575, 17 syllables, origins in Japan, usually about nature
A pair of successive lines of verse, especially a pair that rhyme
the literal meaning (dictionary) of the word
indirect characterization
author gives the reader clues about the character, you make assumptions based on clues
falling action
the falling action (or resolution) is characterized by diminishing tensions and the resolution of the plot's conflicts and complications
author refers to another work in their work
authors attitude towards his subject
narrartive poetry
tells a story, incorperates story devices
the reason behind a characters action
group of lines or a poetic paragraph stanza can be one line seperated by a space
free verse
poetry that has no fixed line, length stanza form, rhymew scheme or meter
the message the author wants you to take away from the story
the scene in a movie, play, short story, novel, or narrative poem that interrupts the present action of the plot to flash backward and tell what happened at an earlier time
a character used to contrast with another character
highest point of action. tension peaks
why the character does something
when someone means more than what is on the page
a contrast between what is expected to happen and what really does
the moment of greatest emotional tension in a narrative, usually marking a turning point in the plot at which the rising action reverses to become the falling action
the feeling you get when you hear a word whether positive negative or neutral
a comparsion between two unlike things without using like or as.
a scene in a story or play that interups action to tell about events that happened at an earlier time
the problem/tension in a story
dramatic poetry
poetry that involves the techniques of drama; one or more characters speak to other characters who may or may not be present in the poem
the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression, dictionary meaning
artistic license
the artistic freedom writers have to change words or invent new ones and ignore grammar rules for the sake of their writing
a long poem celebrating the deeds of a societys hero
The repitition of similar vowel sounds within the stressed syllables of a series of words to create a particular effect.
place and time, where and when
A lyric poem lamenting the dead.
a narrative poem, often of folk origin and intended to be sung, consisting of simple stanzas and usually having a refrain
pretrachan sonnet
14 lines, 1 octave, 1 sestet,octave is one POV while the sested presents another
the character who strives against another main character. This character opposes the hero. The term is also used to describe one who contends with or opposes another in a fight, conflict, or battle of wills.
dramatic irony
when the reader knows more than the characters
giving human characteristics to an inatimite object
opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot)
main character
extreme exaggeration
sense of uncertainty about the out come of the story
A narrative device, often used at the beginning of a work, that provides necessary background information about the characters and their circumstances. Exposition explains what has gone on before, the relationships between characters, the development of a theme, and the introduction of a conflict.
internal ryhme
rhyme reaccuring within a line of poetry
exact rhyme
word that exactly repeat a rhyme (love, dove)
appoximate (slant) rhyme
rhyme in which the final sounds of the words are similar but not identical
dynamic character
A character who changes in the course of a work of literature.
short story
a story written in prose that is shorter than a novel

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