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ANTH 348 Midterm Maya vocab


undefined, object
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Long Count parts
360 days (since day 0), bak'tuns, k'atuns, tuns, winals (17), k'in
baptismal ceremony
penny capitalism
excavation of artifacts to make assumptions about the past
260-day calender day signs
Tzolkin (day numbers 1-13, day names 1-20)
locations of codices (bark books)
Dresden, Madrid, Paris
language families (5)
Uto-Aztecan (Nahuatl), Oto-Manguean, Yucatecan (Mayan), Mixe-Zoquean (Olmecs/Zapotecs), Totonacan (Teotihuacan)
complex society
society w/ division of labor and cooperation ("social arrangements")
Rigaberta Michu
Nobel Peace prize for writings on Guatemala violence
Diego de Landa
bishop that chronicled Maya life & writings
cargo system
ranked religious officers who "bear the burden of" organizing festivals for the community
Schele & Freidel definition of culture
shared conception of reality created by members of a society living together over generations
an archeological or cultural context, not a group of people
Aztec capital
simple society
everyone has the same job
Maya geography
Highlands (south, mountains), Peten (central), Lowlands (north, rainforest)
parts of the Popol Vuh
2 first generations of people (mud, wood), Hero Twins, corn people
365-day month signs
Haab (1 month = 20 days, Uayeb = 5 day month left over)
(S & F) 3 Mayan domains
heaven, Middleworld (Earth), Underworld
Yucatan Peninsula
Mexico, Guatemala, Belize
voiceless velar fricative
time periods
Early Hunters (Paleo-Indians), Archaic (sedentary complex societies), Complex societies (Formative, Preclassic, Classic, post-Classic)
"people who live in cities"
Round date
Tzolkin + Haab (day, month, 52 year cycle)
ancestral language

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