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Chapter 15 Mexico and Central America

6th grade chapter 15 test


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Middle America
region formed by Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies
El Salvador
smallest and most densely populated Central American coast
Hernando Cortes
Spanish explorer who came to Mexico in 1519 looking for wealth
Maya Indians
people who built the first great civilization of the Western Hemisphere
precious metal that Mexico produces more than any other country
country that is home of the ancient Mayan city, Copan
Lake Nicaragua
largest lake in Central America
Mayan achievements
developed use of the zero and a 365-day calendar
Costa Rica
country whose name means "rich coast"
Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental
mountain ranges that rim the Mexican Plateau
major export crop of Central Amercian countries
Indian tribe that built a powerful empire in Mexico
Canada and the U.S.
countries that form Anglo-America
country that links North and South America

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