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English Exam


undefined, object
copy deck
What is Persuasive Writing?
convincing the reader to believe a certain point of veiw
possessive noun
shows ownership
What is an Opinion?
a staement that cannot be proved
What is an Inviting Lead
opening which presents the main idea, grabs the readers attention
simple predicate
the main word or words in a complete predicate
abstract noun
names an idea, feeling, quality, or characteristic
convincing you audience to act now
asks a questions
compound prediacate
made up of two or more verbs that have the same subject
convincing you audience to act now
transitive verbs
an action verb given to an object
persuading people by changing their emotions
Define Presentation
presenting your writing with others
helps renames another noun or pronoun
intransitive verb
an action verb that does not have an direct object
ends with exclamation point
stating your argument
What is Varied Sentence Length
Combining sentences to create shorter ones
Define Convention
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors are eliminated
third person pronouns
compound subjects
made up of two or more subjects that share the same verb
persuading people by changing their emotions
What is Editing
Editing and proofreading your writing
What is Mood
feeling about a subject created by words and details
dependent clause
cannot stand alone as a sentence
Complete subject
words that tell whom or what the sentence is about
Define Voice
writing shows style and personality
Define Sentence Fluency
your writing has a flow, and shows varied sentence length
independent clause
can stand alone as a sentence
What is Drafting
Writing down your ideas
using a reliable research to convince your audience
Define Ideas
your essay is clear, focused,and has good details
What is Peer Response
comments provided by peers or classmates
What are the six traits of writing?
(I Overcooked Something With Vegetables Corn Peas)Ideas, Organization,Sentence Fluency, Word Choice, Voice, Convention, and Presentation
What are the 5 types of Prewriting
freewriting,talking,brainstorming,webbing,and outlining
What are the 5 types of Prewriting
freewriting,talking,brainstorming,webbing,and outlining
What is Endorsement?
when a famous person promotes a product.
concrete noun
names a thing that can be seen, heard,smelled,touched,or tasted
common noun
names in general for a person,place,thing, or idea,
facts,numbers, and info for convincing
Complete Predicate
includes the verbs and all the words that complete the verb's meaning
What is Publishing
Sharing your work to others
Simple Subject
the main word or words in a complete sentence
Compound sentence
contains independant clauses and no dependent clauses
What is Personal Narrative
the writer's own thoughts, experiences, and feelings
indirect object
word(s) that tells to whom an action is performed by
join parts of a compound sentence without a conjunction
tells someone to do something, ends in . or !
persuading people by making them trust you
first person pronoun
stating your argument
What is Dialogue
conversation of fictional characters of actual persons
What is a Fact?
a staement that can be proved
What is Revising
Ways to improve your writing
reflexive pronouns
refering the verb back to the subject(himself,myself)
Define Organization
Your ideas are arranged in a logical order .
compound nouns
made up of two or more words used together as a single noun
Define Word Choice
Your language is powerful and engaging.
persuading people by making them trust you
second person pronouns
using a reliable research to convince your audience
sentence missing a subject, a predicate, or both
Proper noun
particular person, place,or thing
direct objects
word(s) that names the receiver of the action
What are Sensory Details
words that appeal to any of the five senses
What is a thesis?
a statement in one sentence that tells about the main idea
What is target audience?
a group of people who share similarities
What is Prewriting
Deciding what you will write about
What is Debate
stating an opinion with supporting evidence by speaching
facts,numbers, and info for convincing

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